Index of European Plants
Latin names beginning with A | English Name | Where found |
Abies pinsapo | Spanish Fir | Spain |
Acacia retinoides | Water Wattle | Crete |
Acanthus spinosus | Spiny Bear's-breeches | Rhodes |
Achillea biebersteinii | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Achillea biserrata | Biserrate Milfoil | Russian Caucasus |
Achillea clavennae | Silvery Milfoil | Dolomites |
Achillea cretica | No English name | Crete |
Achillea erba-rotta ssp moschata | Musk Milfoil | Swiss Alps |
Achillea oxyloba | Alpine Sneezewort | Dolomites |
Achyranthes aspera | Prickly Chaff-flower | Tenerife |
Aconitum vulparia | Wolfsbane | Swiss Alps |
Adenostyles alpina | Alpine Plantain | Dolomites |
Adenostyles leucophylla | Adenostyles | Swiss Alps |
Adiantum capillus-veneris | Maidenhair Fern | Crete |
Adonis aestevalis ssp parviflora | Summer Pheasant's-eye | Eastern Turkey |
Adonis flammea | Flame Adonis | Eastern Turkey |
Adonis microcarpa | Yellow Pheasant's-eye | Southern Spain |
Aegilops geniculata | Goat-grass | Italy |
Aeonium glutinosum | Viscid Houseleek | Madeira |
Aeonium holochrysum | No English name | Tenerife |
Aethionema armenum | Persian Candytuft | Eastern Turkey |
Aethionema saxatile | Burnt Candytuft | Italy |
Aethionema saxatile ssp creticum | Burnt Candytuft | Crete |
Agave americana | Century Plant | Crete |
Aizoon hispanicum | Aizoon | Southern Spain |
Ajuga iva | No English name | Southern Spain |
Ajuga pyramidalis | Pyramidal Bugle | French Pyrenees |
Ajuga reptans | Bugle | Swiss Alps |
Alchemilla alpina | Alpine Lady's-mantle | French Pyrenees |
Alchemilla saxatilis | Rock Lady's-mantle | French Pyrenees |
Alkanna lehmanii | Dyer's Alkanet | Italy |
Alkanna orientalis | Oriental Alkanet | Eastern Turkey |
Alkanna tubulosa | No English name | Turkey |
Allium akaka | No English name | Turkey |
Allium neapolitanum | Neapolitan Garlic | Southern Spain |
Allium roseum | Rosy Garlic | Southern Spain |
Allium schoenoprasum | Chives | Southern Spain |
Allium subhirsutum | Hairy Garlic | Italy |
Allium trifoliatum | Pink Garlic | Italy |
Allium victorialis | Alpine Leek | Swiss Alps |
Alyssum montanum | Mountain Alison | Sierra Guadarrama |
Alyssum simplex | No English Name | Crete |
Alnus viridis | Green Alder | Swiss Alps |
Amaranthus hybridus | Green Amaranth | Northern Italy |
Amaranthus viridis | Slender Aamaranth | Northern Italy |
Amelanchier ovalis | Amelanchier | Sierra Guadarrama |
Anacamptis coriophora | Bug Orchid | Northern Cyprus |
Anacamptis morio | Green-winged Orchid | Gargano, Italy |
Anacamptis papilionacea | Pink Butterfly Orchid | Gargano, Italy |
Anacamptis pyramidalis | Pyramidal Orchid | Northern Cyprus |
Anacamptis sancta | Holy Orchid | Rhodes |
Anacamptis x gennarii | Hybrid Orchid | Gargano, Italy |
Anagallis arvensis | Scarlet Pimpernel | Gozo |
Anagyris foetida | Stinking Bean Trefoil | Cyprus |
Anchusa azurea | Large Blue Alkanet | Spain |
Anchusa cretica | No English name | Italy |
Anchusa strigosa | Prickly Alkanet | Cyprus |
Anchusa undulata | Undulate Anchusa | Northern Cyprus |
Anchusa variegata | Variegated Anchusa | Crete |
Androsace alpina | Alpine Rock Jasmine | Swiss Alps |
Androsace carnea | Rock Jasmine | French Pyrenees |
Androsace carnea ssp rosea | Pink Rock Jasmine | French Pyrenees |
Androsace chamaejasme | Ciliate Rock Jasmine | French Pyrenees |
Androsace obtusifolia | Blunt-leaved Rock Jasmine | Dolomites |
Androsace villosa | Rock Jasmine | French Pyrenees |
Androsace vitaliana | Vitaliana | Dolomites |
Andryala integrifolia | Andryala | Southern Spain |
Andryala ragusina | No English Name | Southern Spain |
Anemone apennina | Blue Anemone | Italy |
Anemone baldensis | Monte Baldo Anemone | Dolomites, Italy |
Anemone coronaria | Crown Anemone | Crete |
Anemone hortensis | No English name | Italy |
Anemone hortensis ssp heldreichii | No English name | Crete |
Anemone hortensis ssp pavonina | Peacock Windflower | Greece |
Anemone narcissiflora | Narcissus-flowered Anemone | French Pyrenees |
Anemone palmata | Yellow Anemone | Andalucia, Spain |
Anemone trifolia | Three-leaved Anemone | Dolomites |
Angelica razulii | No English name | Andorra |
Anogramma leptophylla | Jersey Fern | Crete |
Antennaria carpatica | Carpathian Catsfoot | Dolomites |
Antennaria dioica | Mountain everlasting or Catsfoot | French Pyrenees |
Anthemis chia | No English name | Crete |
Anthemis rigida | Rayless Chamomile | Northern Cyprus |
Anthemis rosea | No English name | S.W. Turkey |
Anthemis tricolor | Three-coloured Chamomile | Northern Cyprus |
Anthemis urvilleana | Maltese Sea-chamomile | Gozo |
Anthericum liliago | St. Bernard's Lily | French Pyrenees |
Anthericum ramosum | No English name | Northern Italy |
Anthriscus nitida | No English name | Dolomites |
Anthyllis barba-jovis | Jupiter's-beard | Italy |
Anthyllis cytisoides | No English name | Southern Spain |
Anthyllis hermanniae | Yellow Kidney Vetch | Rhodes |
Anthyllis montana | Mountain Kidney-vetch | French Pyrenees |
Anthyllis tetraphylla | Bladder Vetch | Crete |
Anthyllis vulneraria ssp alpestris | Kidney Vetch | Swiss Alps |
Anthyllis vulneraria ssp maura | Kidney Vetch | Gozo |
Anthyllis vulneraria ssp pyrenaica | Kidney Vetch | French Pyrenees |
Antirrhinum barrelieri | No English name | Southern Spain |
Antirrhinum sempervirens | Rock Snapdragon | French Pyrenees |
Antirrhinum siculum | Sicilian Snapdragon | Gozo |
Antirrhinum tortuosum | Greater Snapdragon | Gozo |
Aphyllanthes monspeliensis | Blue Aphyllanthes | Spain |
Apium nodiflorum | Fool's-water-cress | Rhodes |
Aposeris foetida | Aposeris | Spain and Dolomites |
Aptenia cordifolia | Heart-leaved Ice-plant | Gozo |
Aquilegia alpina | Alpine Columbine | Swiss Alps |
Aquilegia atrata | Dark Columbine | Dolomites |
Aquilegia einseleana | Einsel's Columbine | Dolomites |
Aquilegia olympica | No English name | Caucasus |
Aquilegia pyrenaica | Pyrenean Columbine | French Pyrenees |
Arabis alpina | Alpine Rock-cress | Slovenia |
Arabis bellidifolia | Daisy-leaved Wall-cress | Dolomites |
Arabis caucasica | Garden Arabis | Italy |
Arabis purpurea | No English name | Cyprus |
Arabis verna | Spring Rock-cress | Crete |
Arbutus andrachne | Greek Strawberry Tree | Cyprus |
Arbutus canariensis | Canary Islands Strawberry Tree | Tenerife |
Arbutus unedo | Strawberry Tree | Crete |
Arctostaphylos alpinus | Alpine Bearberry | Swiss Alps |
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | Bearberry | French Pyrenees |
Aremonia agrimonioides | Bastard Agrimony | Gargano,Italy |
Arenaria biflora | Two-flowered Sandwort | Swiss Alps |
Arenaria montana | Mountain Sandwort | Spain, Sierra Guadarrama |
Argemone mexicana | Mexican Prickly Poppy | Tenerife |
Argyranthemum frutescens | Marguerite Daisy | Tenerife |
Arisarum vulgare | Friar's Cowl | Southern Spain |
Aristolochia baetica | Dutchman's Pipe | Spain (Andalucia) |
Aristolochia paucinervis | No English name | Spain (Sierra Guadarrama) |
Arnebia pulchra | Prophet's Flower | Caucasus |
Arnica montana | Arnica | Swiss Alps |
Artemisia genipi | Spiked Wormwood | Swiss Alps |
Arundo donax | Giant Reed | Gozo |
Asperula pyrenaica | Pyrenean Woodruff | French Pyrenees |
Asphodeline lutea | King's Spear | Italy, Gargano |
Asphodelus aestivus | Summer asphodel | Northern Cyprus |
Asphodelus albus | White Asphodel | French Pyrenees |
Asphodelus fistulosus | Hollow-leaved Asphodel | Southern Spain |
Asplenium septentrionale | Forked Spleenwort | French Pyrenees |
Aster alpinus | Alpine Aster | French Pyrenees |
Aster bellidiastrum | False Aster | Swiss Alps |
Asteriscus maritimus | Yellow Sea Aster | Southern Spain |
Astragalus alpinus | Alpine Milk-vetch | Swiss Alps |
Astragalus australis | Southern Milk-vetch | Swiss Alps |
Astragalus boeticus | Yellow Milk-vetch | Gozo |
Astragalus bourgaeanus | No English name | Southern Spain |
Astragalus fabaceus | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Astragalus lusitanicus ssp orientalis | Oriental Shrub Milk-vetch | Cyprus |
Astragalus monspessulanus | False Vetch | French Pyrenees |
Astrantia major | Great Masterwort | Picos de Europea |
Astydamia latifolia | Canary Samphire | Tenerife |
Atriplex glauca | Waxy Saltbush | Southern Spain |
Atriplex halimus | Shrubby Orache | Southern Spain |
Atropa belladonna | Deadly Nightshade | French Pyrenees |
Aubrieta columnae ssp italica | Aubretia | French Pyrenees |
Aubrieta deltoidea | Aubretia | Crete |
Aurinia saxatilis | Golden Alison | Italy |
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Latin names beginning with B | English Name | Where found |
Ballota hirstua | No English name | Spain |
Ballota pseudodictamnus | False Dittany | Crete |
Barlia robertiana | Giant Orchid | Crete |
Bartsia alpina | Alpine Bartsia | Slovenia |
Begonia grandis | Hardy Begonia | Northern Italy |
Bellevalia dubia | Bellevalia | Italy, Gargano |
Bellis annua | Annual Daisy | Rhodes |
Bellis sylvestris | Southern Daisy | Southern Spain |
Betula pendula | Silver Birch | Andorra |
Biarum tenuifolium | Narrow-leaved Biarum | Greece |
Bidens frondosa | Beggar-ticks | Northern Italy |
Bidens pilosa | Cobbler's-pegs | Tenerife |
Biscutella auriculata | No English name | Southern Spain |
Biscutella didyma | Biscutella | Crete |
Biscutella laevigata | Buckler Mustard | Swiss Alps |
Bituminaria bituminosa | Pitch Trefoil | Gozo |
Borago officinalis | Borage | Gozo |
Botrychium lunaria | Moonwort | French Pyrenees |
Bougainvillea spectabilis | Great Bougainvillea | Tenerife |
Brachypodium retusum | Mediterranean False-brome | Southern Spain |
Briza maxima | Greater Quaking-grass | Crete |
Bryonia cretica | White Bryony (Crete) | Crete |
Buddleja madagascariensis | Yellow Butterfly Bush | Gozo |
Bupleurum falcatum | Sickle-leaved Hare's-ear | French Pyrenees |
Bupleurum lancifolium | Lanceleaf Thorow-wax | Andalucia, Spain |
Bupleurum longifolium | Long-leaved Hare's-ear | Swiss Alps |
Buxus sempervirens (Andorra) | Box | Andorras |
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Latin names beginning with C | English Name | Where found |
Cakile maritima | Sea Rocket | Gozo |
Calendula arvensis | Field Marigold | Southern Spain |
Calendula officinalis | Pot Marigold | Gozo |
Caltha palustris | Marsh Marigold | Austria |
Calycotome infesta | Thorny Broom | Andalucia, Spain |
Calycotome villosa | Hairy Thorny Broom | Cyprus |
Campanula barbata | Bearded Bellfower | Swiss Alps |
Campanula cochlearifolia | Fairy's Thimble | Swiss Alps |
Campanula constantinii | No English name | Greece |
Campanula patula | Spreading Bellflower | French Pyrenees |
Campanula saxifraga | No English name | Russian Caucasus |
Campanula scheuchzeri | Scheuchzer's Bellflower | Swiss Alps |
Campanula trachelium | Nettle-leaved Bellflower | Northern Italy |
Campanula versicolor | No English name | Greece |
Capparis spinosa | Caper | Rhodes |
Cardamine amara | Large Bitter-cress | Swiss Alps |
Cardamine bulbifera | Coralroot | Italy, Gargano |
Cardamine enneaphyllos | Drooping Bitter-cress | Italy, Dolomites |
Cardamine plumieri | Ivy-leaved Bitter-cress | Italy, Gargano |
Cardamine raphanifolia | Greater Cuckooflower | French Pyrenees |
Cardamine resedifolia | Mignonette-leaved Bittercress | Swiaa Alps |
Carduus carlinoides | Pyrenean Thistle | French Pyrenees |
Carduus nutans | Nodding or Musk Thistle | French Pyrenees |
Carex atrata | Black Alpine-sedge | Swiss Alps |
Carex ferruginea | Rusty Sedge | Swiss Alps |
Carex leporina | Oval Sedge | Andorra |
Carlina xeranthemoides | No English name | Tenerife |
Carpobrotus edulis | Hottentot-fig | Gozo |
Carrichtera annua | Ward's Weed | Southern Spain |
Carthamus mitissimus | Distaff Thistle | Sierra Guadarrama, Spain |
Carum carvi | Caraway | Andorra |
Centaurea nigrescens | Tyrol Knapweed | Northern Italy |
Centaurea pullata | No English name | Spain (Andalucia) |
Centaurea solstitialis | St Barnaby's Thistle | Spain (Andalucia) |
Centaurium tenuiflorum | Branched Centaury | Rhodes |
Centranthus macrosiphon | Spur Valerian | Spain (Andalucia) |
Cephalanthera longifolia | Narrow-leaved Helleborine | Slovenia |
Cerastium cerastoides | Starwort Mouse-ear | French Pyrenees |
Cerastium scaposum | No common name | Crete |
Ceratonia siliqua | Carob | Crete |
Cercis siliquastrum | Judas Tree | Spain |
Cerinthe major | Honeywort | Italy, Gargano |
Ceterach officinarum | Rustyback | Northern Italy |
Chaenorhinum origanifolium ssp cadevallii | No English name | Spain |
Chamaecystus creticus | No English name | Crete |
Chamaecytisus proliferus | Tree Lucerne | Tenerife |
Chamaerops humilis | Mediterranean Fan-palm | Southern Spain |
Chamaespartium sagittale | Winged Broom | Andorra |
Chamorchis alpina | False Musk Orchid | Dolomites |
Cheirolophus burchardii | Canary Shrub Cornflower | Tenerife |
Chenopodium bonus-henricus | Good King Henry | French Pyrenees |
Cichorium endivia | Endive | Southern Spain |
Cirsium spinosissimum | Spiniest Thistle | Swiss Alps |
Cistanche phelypaea | Cistanche | Southern Spain |
Cistus albidus | Grey-leaved Cistus | Southern Spain |
Cistus clusii | No English name | Southern Spain |
Cistus creticus | Cretan Rockrose | Northern Cyprus |
Cistus monspeliensis | Narrow-leaved Cistus | Spain |
Cistus salvifolius | Sage-leaved Rockrose | Northern Cyprus |
Cistus symphytifolius | Canary Cistus | Tenerife |
Citrus sinensis | Orange | Crete |
Clematis alpina | Alpine Clematis | Slovenia |
Clinopodium acinos | Basil Thyme | Italy, Gargano |
Clinopodium alpinum | Alpine Calamint | French Pyrenees |
Cochlearia pyrenaica | Pyrenean Scurvygrass | French Pyrenees |
Coeloglossum viride | Frog Orchid | French Pyrenees |
Coincya monensis ssp cheiranthos | Wallflower Cabbage | French Pyrenees |
Colchicum autumnale | Meadow Saffron | Northern Italy |
Colchicum bivonae | No English name | Greece |
Colchicum kurdicum | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Conopodium pyrenaicum | Conopodium | French Pyrenees |
Consolida orientalis | Eastern Larkspur | Eastern Turkey |
Convolvulus althaeoides | Mallow-leaved Bindweed | Southern Spain |
Convolvulus arvensis | Field Bindweed | Southern Spain |
Convolvulus oleifolius | No English name | Crete |
Convolvulus siculus | Small Blue Convolvulus | Spain |
Convolvulus tricolor | Dwarf Convolvulus | Andalucia, Spain |
Coris monspeliensis | Coris | Southern Spain |
Coronilla emerus | Mediterranean Crown Vetch | Andorra |
Coronilla emerus ssp emeroides | Scorpion Vetch or False Senna | French Pyrenees |
Coronilla juncea | Rush-like Scorpion Vetch | Southern Spain |
Coronilla valentina | No English name | Southern Spain |
Corydalis rutifolia | No English name | Cyprus |
Corydalis solida | Bird-in-a-Bush | Italy, Gargano |
Cotoneaster integerrimus | Common Cotoneaster | Swiss Alps |
Crataegus azarolus | Mediterranean Medlar | Cyprus |
Crataegus monogyna | Hawthorn | Southern Spain |
Crepis aurea | Golden Hawk's-beard | Austria |
Crepis bocconei | Mountain Hawk's-beard | Swiaa Alps |
Crepis rubra | Pink Hawk's-beard | Italy, Gargano |
Crocus danfordiae | No English name | S.W. Turkey |
Cruciata laevipes | Crosswort | Andorra |
Crupina crupinastrum | Crupina | Italy, Gargano |
Cryptogramma crispa | Parsley Fern | Andorra |
Cupressus sempervirens | Italian Cypress | Crete |
Cuscuta campestris | Field Dodder | Southern Spain |
Cyanopsis muricata | Morocco Knapweed | Southern Spain |
Cyclamen alpinum | No English name | S.W. Turkey |
Cyclamen creticum | Cretan Sowbread | Crete |
Cyclamen persicum | Persian Sowbread | Cyprus |
Cyclamen purpurascens | Sowbread | Italy |
Cyclamen repandum | Spring Sowbread | Italy, Gargano |
Cymbalaria longipes | No English name | S.W. Turkey |
Cynodon dactylon | Bermuda Grass | Southern Spain |
Cynoglossum cherifolium | Mediterranean Hound's-tongue | Southern Spain |
Cynoglossum creticum | Blue Hound's-tongue | Southern Spain and Crete |
Cyperus capitatus | Capitate Galingale | Southern Spain |
Cyperus rotundus | Purple Nut Sedge | Tenerife |
Cysopteris sudetica | No English name | Dolomites |
Cytisus decumbens ssp elata | Prostrate Broom | Italy, Gargano |
Cytisus purgans | Pyrenean Broom | Andorra |
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Latin names beginning with D | English Name | Where found |
Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp cruenta | Early Marsh Orchid | Swiss Alps |
Dactylorhiza maculata | Heath Spotted Orchid | Andorra |
Dactylorhiza majalis ssp alpestris | Broad-leaved Marsh-orchid | French Pyrenees |
Dactylorhiza romana | Roman Orchid | Gargano, Italy |
Dactylorhiza sambucina | Elder-flowered Orchid | French Pyrenees |
Daphne laureola ssp philippi | Spurge-laurel | French Pyrenees |
Daphne sericea | No English name | Crete |
Daphne striata | Striped Daphne | Swiss Alps |
Dasypyrum villosum | Mosquito Grass | Gargano, Italy |
Daucus carota | Wild Carrot | Gozo |
Delphinium dasycarpum | No English name | Russian Caucasus |
Dianthus carthusianorum | No English name | Northern Italy |
Dianthus deltoides | Maiden Pink | French Pyrenees |
Dianthus sternbergii | Sternberg's Pink | Slovenia |
Dianthus sylvestris | Wood Pink | Swiss Alps |
Dipcadi serotinum | Dipcadi | Andalucia, Spain |
Diphasiastrum alpinum | Alpine Clubmoss | Swiss Alps |
Doronicum clusii | Tufted Leopard's-bane | Swiss Alps |
Doronicum columnae | Heart-leaved Leopard's-bane | Gargano, Italy |
Dorycnium hirsutum | Dorycnium | Swiss Alps |
Dorycnium pentaphyllum | Badassi | Spain |
Draba aizoides | Yellow Whitlowgrass | Swiss Alps & Pyrenees |
Draba fladnizensis | Bald White Whitlowgrass | Swiss Alps |
Dranunculus vulgaris | Dragon Arum | Crete |
Drimea maritima | Sea Squill | Greece |
Dryas octopetala | Mountain Avens | Wilderkaiser, Austria |
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Latin names beginning with E | English Name | Where found |
Ecballium elaterium | Squirting Cucumber | Spain & Crete |
Echinops ritro | Globe-thistle | Andalucia, Spain |
Echinops spinosissimus | Spiny Globe-thistle | Rhodes |
Echium albicans | White-leaved Bugloss | Andalucia, Spain |
Echium angustifolium | Hispid Viper's-bugloss | Rhodes |
Echium giganteum | Giant White Bugloss | Tenerife |
Echium parviflorum | Small-flowered Bugloss | Gozo |
Echium plantagineum | Purple Viper's-bugloss | Spain |
Echium rosulatum | Lax Viper's-bugloss | Spain |
Echium sabulicola | Sand Viper's-bugloss | Spain |
Echium strictum | Narrow Echium | Tenerife |
Emex spinosa | Emex | Spain |
Epilobium alsinifolium | Chickweed Willowherb | Swiss Alps |
Epilobium fleischeri | Alpine Willowherb | Swiss Alps |
Equisetum variegatum | Variegated Horsetail | Swiss Alps |
Erica arborea | Tree Heath | Crete |
Erica multiflora | Mediterranean Heath | Gozo |
Erica sicula | No English name | Cyprus |
Erigeron alpinus | Alpine Fleabane | Swiss Alps |
Erigeron annuus | Tall Fleabane | Italy |
Erigeron karvinskianus | Mexican Fleabane | Northern Italy |
Erigeron uniflorus | One-flowered Fleabane | Andorra |
Erinus alpinus | Fairy Foxglove | French Pyrenees |
Eriophorum latifolium | Broad-leaved Cottongrass | Swiss Alps |
Eriophorum scheuchzeri | Scheuchzer's Cottongrass | Swiss Alps |
Eritrichium nanum | King of the Alps | Swiss Alps |
Erodium chium | Mediterranean Stork's-bill | Southern Spain |
Erodium ciconium | No English name | Gargano,Italy |
Erodium cicutarium | Common Stork's-bill | Southern Spain |
Erodium gruinum | Long-beaked Stork's-bill | Crete |
Erodium malachoides | Mallow-leaved Stork's-bill | Southern Spain |
Erophila verna | Common Whitlowgrass | Crete |
Eruca vesicaria ssp vesicaria | Garden Rocket | Southern Spain |
Eryngium bourgatii | Pyrenean Eryngo | French Pyrenees |
Eryngium campestre | Field Eryngo | Southern Spain |
Erysimum bicolor | Shrubby Wallflower | Tenerife |
Erysimum cheiri | Wallflower | Southern Spain |
Erysimum pyrenaicum | Pyrenean Treacle Mustard | Andorra |
Euphorbia broussonetii | No English name | Tenerife |
Euphorbia characias ssp characias | Mediterranean Spurge | Southern Spain |
Euphorbia cyparissias | Cypress Spurge | Slovenia |
Euphorbia dendroides | Tree Spurge | Gozo |
Euphorbia denticulata | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Euphorbia exigua | Dwarf Spurge | Southern Spain |
Euphorbia helioscopia | Sun Spurge | Gozo |
Euphorbia hyberna | Irish Spurge | French Pyrenees |
Euphorbia myrsinites | Glaucous Spurge | Gargano, Italy |
Euphorbia pinea | Pine Spurge | Gozo |
Euphorbia segetalis | Grainfield Spurge | Southern Spain |
Euphorbia serrata | Sawtooth Spurge | Southern Spain |
Euphorbia spinosa | Spiny Spurge | Gargano, Italy |
Euphorbia veneris | Aphrodite's Spurge | Cyprus |
Euphrasia alpina | Alpine Eyebright | French Pyrenees |
Euzomodendron bourgaeanum | No English Name | Southern Spain |
Evax pygmaeus | Pygmy Cudweed | Gozo |
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Latin names beginning with F | English Name | Where found |
Fagonia cretica | Fagonia | Spain |
Fedia cornucopiae | Fedia or Horn-of-plenty | Gozo |
Ferula communis | Giant Fennel | Northern Cyprus |
Ferula orientalis | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Ficus carica | Fig | Crete |
Filago pyramidata | Broad-leaved Cudweed | Crete |
Frankenia capitata | No English name | Tenerife |
Frankenia corymbosa | No English name | Spain |
Fraxinus ornus | Manna Ash | French Pyrenees and Italy |
Fritillaria acmopetala | No English name | South West Turkey |
Fritillaria assyriaca ssp assyriaca | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Fritillaria carica | No English name | South West Turkey |
Fritillaria collina | No English name | Russian Caucasus |
Fritillaria crassifolia ssp kurdica | Kurdish Thick-leaved Fritillary | Eastern Turkey |
Fritillaria elwesii | No English name | South West Turkey |
Fritillaria kittaniae | No English name | S.W. Turkey |
Fritillaria lusitanica | No English name | Spain |
Fritillaria minima | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Fritillaria minuta | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Fritillaria obliqua ssp tuntasia | No English name | Kythnos |
Fritillaria pyrenaica | Pyrenean Snakeshead | French Pyrenees |
Fumana arabica | Arabian Fumana | Crete |
Fumaria densiflora | Dense-flowered Fumitory | Cyprus |
Fumaria parviflora | Fine-leaved Fumitory | Spain |
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Latin names beginning with G | English Name | Where found |
Gagea fragifera | No English name | Swiss Alps |
Gagea graeca | No English name | Cyprus |
Gagea serotina | Snowdon Lily | Swiss Alps |
Galactites tomentosa | Boar Thistle | Spain |
Galanthus elwesii | Greater Snowdrop | S.W. Turkey |
Galium anisophyllum | No English name | Swiss Alps |
Galium caespitosum | No English name | French Pyrenees |
Galium verrucosum | Warty Bedstraw | Spain |
Genista acanthoclada | No English name | Crete |
Genista spartioides | No English name | Spain |
Genista umbellata | No English name | Spain |
Gentiana acaulis | Trumpet Gentian | French Pyrenees |
Gentiana bavarica | Bavarian Gentian | Swiss Alps |
Gentiana brachyphylla | Short-leaved Gentian | French Pyrenees |
Gentiana clusii | Trumpet or Clusius's Gentian | Wilderkaiser Austria |
Gentiana lutea | Great Yellow Gentian | Swiss Alps |
Gentiana nivalis | Snow Gentian | Swiss Alps |
Gentiana occidentalis | Pyrenean Trumpet Gentian | French Pyrenees |
Gentiana punctata | Spotted Gentian | Swiss Alps |
Gentiana pyrenaica | Pyrenean Gentian | Andorra |
Gentiana verna | Spring Gentian | Wilderkaiser Austria |
Gentianella campestris | Field Gentian | Swiss Alps |
Geranium cinereum | Ashy Crane's-bill | French Pyrenees |
Geranium lucidum | Shining Crane's-bill | Spain and Crete |
Geranium phaeum | Dusky Crane's-bill | French Pyrenees |
Geranium rotundifolium | Round-leaved Crane's-bill | Spain |
Geranium sylvaticum | Wood Crane's-bill | Swiss Alps |
Geranium tuberosum | Tuberous Crane's-bill | Cyprus |
Geropogon glaber | Slender Salsify | Spain |
Geum montanum | Alpine Avens | French Pyrenees |
Geum pyrenaicum | Pyrenean Avens | Andorra |
Geum reptans | Creeping Avens | Swiss Alps |
Gladiolus atroviolaceus | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Gladiolus illyricus | Wild Gladiolus | Spain |
Gladiolus italicus | Field Gladiolus | Cyprus |
Gladiolus triphyllus | No English name | Cyprus |
Glaucium corniculatum | Red Horned-poppy | Spain |
Glebionis coronaria | Crown Daisy | Gozo |
Glebionis segetum | Corn Marigold | Spain |
Globularia alypum | No English name | Spain |
Globularia cordifolia | Matted Globularia | Wilderkaiser Austria |
Globularia repens | Thyme-leaved Globe-daisy | Picos and Andorra |
Globularia salicina | Globe Flower | Madeira |
Gonospermum fruticosum | Canary Tansy | Tenerife |
Gundelia tournefortii | Tumble Thistle | E. Turkey |
Gymnadenia austriaca var gallica | Vanilla Orchid | French Pyrenees |
Gymnadenia conopsea | Fragrant Orchid | French Pyrenees |
Gymnadenia odoratissima | Short-spurred Fragrant-orchid | Swiss Alps |
Gymnadenia rhellicani | No English name | Swiss Alps |
Gymnadenia rubra | No English name | Swiss Alps |
Gymnocarpium dryopteris | Oak Fern | French Pyrenees |
Gynandriris sisyrinchium | Barbary Nut | Spain and Gozo |
Gypsophila repens | Alpine Gypsophila | Swiss Alps |
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Latin names beginning with H | English Name | Where found |
Hedypnois cretica | Scaly Hawkbit | Gozo |
Hedysarum coronarium | Italian Sainfoin | Gozo |
Hedysarum glomeratum | Clustered Sulla | Gozo |
Hedysarum hedysaroides | Alpine Sainfoin | Swiss Alps |
Hedysarum spinosissimum | Spiny Sainfoin | Spain |
Helianthemum almeriense | No English name | Spain |
Helianthemum appenimum | White Rock-rose | Spain |
Helianthemum nummularium | Common Rockrose | Andorra |
Helianthemum obtusifolium | Yellow Cyprus Sun-rose | Northern Cyprus |
Helianthemum oelandicum ssp alpestre | Alpine Rockrose | French Pyrenees |
Helianthemum oelandicum ssp incanum | Hoary Rockrose | Andorra |
Helianthemum salicifolium | Willow-leaved Rockrose | Cyprus |
Helichrysum melitense | Maltese Everlasting | Gozo |
Helichrysum stoechas | Shrubby Everlasting | Rhodes |
Heliotropium europaeum | Heliotrope | Rhodes |
Helleborus foetidus | Stinking Hellebore | Spain |
Helleborus viridis | Green Hellebore | French Pyrenees |
Hepatica nobilis | Hepatica | French Pyrenees |
Hermodactylus tuberosus | Snake's-head Iris | Gargano, Italy |
Herniaria hirsuta | Hairy Rupturewort | French Pyrenees |
Hippocrepis glauca | No English name | Gargano, Italy |
Hippocrepis scabra | No English name | Spain |
Homogyne alpina | Alpine Coltsfoot | French Pyrenees |
Horminum pyrenaicum | Dragonmouth | French Pyrenees |
Hornungia alpina | Chamois Cress | Andorra, Dolomites |
Hugueninia tanacetifolia | Tansy-leaved Rocket | Andorra |
Hyacinthoides hispanica | Spanish Bluebell | Spain |
Hyacinthus amethystinus | Hyacinthus amethystinus | French Pyrenees |
Hyoscyamus albus | White Henbane | Gozo |
Hyoscyamus reticulatus | Egyptian Henbane | Eastern Turkey |
Hyoseris scabra | Annual Hyoseris | Spain |
Hypericum aegyptiacum | Egyptian St John's-wort | Gozo |
Hypericum empetrifolium | Shrubby St John's-wort | Crete |
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Latin names beginning with I | English Name | Where found |
Iberis amara | Wild Candytuft | French Pyrenees |
Impatiens balfourii | Kashmir Balsam | Northern Italy |
Imperatoria ostruthium | Masterwort | Swiss Alps |
Inula verbascifolia | No English name | Rhodes |
Ipomoea purpurea | Common Morning Glory | Rhodes |
Iris barnumiae forma barnumiae | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Iris barnumiae forma urmiensis | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Iris caucasica | Caucasian Iris | Eastern Turkey |
Iris lutescens | Variable Bearded Iris | Gargano, Italy |
Iris paradoxa | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Iris planifolia | No English name | Andalucia, Spain |
Iris pseudopumila | Southern Dwarf Iris | Gargano, Italy |
Iris sari | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Isatis tinctoria | Woad | Gargano, Italy |
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Latin names beginning with J | English Name | Where found |
Jasione laevis | Perennial Shepherd's Scabious | Andorra |
Juncus jacquinii | Jacquin's Rush | Swiss Alps |
Juncus trifidus | Three-leaved Rush | Swiss Alps |
Juniperus communis ssp communis | Common Juniper | Swiss Alps |
Juniperus foetidissima | Stinking Juniper | Cyprus |
Jurinella moschus | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
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Latin names beginning with K | English Name | Where found |
Kalmia procumbens | Trailing Azalea | Swiss Alps |
Knautia dipsacifolia | Forest Widow Flower | Andorra |
Knautia integrifolia ssp mimica | No English name | Crete |
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Latin names beginning with L | English Name | Where found |
Lactuca perennis | Mountain Lettuce | French Pyrenees |
Lagoecia cuminoides | Wild Cumin | Cyprus |
Lagurus ovatus | Hare's-tail | Crete and Spain |
Lamarckia aurea | Golden Dog's-tail | Spain |
Lamiastrum galeobdolon ssp montanum | Yellow Archangel | French Pyrenees |
Lamium amplexicaule | Henbit Dead-nettle | Crete |
Lamium bifidum | No English name | Italy |
Lamium orvala | Large Red Dead-nettle | Slovenia |
Lamium garganicum | Large Red Dead-nettle | Gargano, Italy |
Laserpitium siler | Sermountain | French Pyrenees |
Lathyrus annuus | Annual Pea | Crete |
Lathyrus aphaca | Yellow Vetchling | Crete |
Lathyrus belinensis | Belin Pea | Turkey |
Lathyrus cicera | Red Vetchling | Gargano, Italy |
Lathyrus cirrhosus | Cirrhose Vetch | French Pyrenees |
Lathyrus clymenum | Crimson Pea | Gozo |
Lathryus linifolius | Bitter Vetch | French Pyrenees |
Lathyrus occidentalis var montanus | Marsh Pea or Marsh Pea-vine | Slovenia |
Lathyrus ochrus | Pale Pea | Gargano, Italy |
Lathyrus roseus | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Launaea arborescens | No English name | Spain |
Launaea resedifolia | No English name | Spain |
Lavandula buchii | No English name | Tenerife |
Lavandula canariensis | Canary Islands Lavender | Tenerife |
Lavandula multifida | Cut-leaved Lavender | Spain |
Lavandula stoechas | French Lavender | Spain and Crete |
Lavatera acerifolia | Tree Lavatera | Tenerife |
Lavatera maritima | Sea Mallow | Spain |
Lecokia cretica | No English name | Cyprus |
Legousia pentagonia | No English name | Rhodes |
Leontopodium alpinum | Edelweiss | Swiss Alps |
Lepidium draba | Hoary Cress | Cyprus |
Lepidium subulatum | No English name | Spain |
Leucanthemopsis alpina | Alpine Moon Daisy | Swiss Alps |
Ligusticum mutellina | Mountain Lovage | Swiss Alps |
Ligusticum mutellinoides | Unbranched Lovage | Swiss Alps |
Lilium martagon | Martagon Lily | Swiss Alps |
Lilium pyrenaicum | Pyrenean Lily | Andorra |
Lilium monadelphum | Caucasian Lily | Russian Caucasus |
Limodorum abortivum | Violet Limodore | S.W. Turkey |
Limonium insgine | No English name | Spain |
Limonium sinuatum | Statice | Northern Cyprus |
Linaria aeruginea | Roadside Toadflax | Spain |
Linaria alpina | Alpine Toadflax | Swiss Alps |
Linaria hirta | No English name | Spain |
Linaria pelissariana | Jersey Toadflax | Crete |
Linaria salzmannii | No English name | Spain |
Linaria supina | Pyrenean Toadflax | French Pyrenees |
Linnaea borealis | Twinflower | Swiss Alps |
Linum bienne | Pale Flax | Crete |
Linum mucronatum | No English name | E. Turkey |
Linum narbonense | Beautiful Flax | Italy, Gargano |
Linum nodiflorum | No English name | Crete |
Linum perenne ssp alpinum | Alpine Flax | Andorra |
Linum strictum | Upright Yellow Flax | Spain |
Lithospermum arvense | Corn Gromwell | Italy, Gargano |
Lithospermum officinale | Common Gromwell | Andorra |
Lomelosia graminifolia | Grass-leaved Scabious | Dolomites |
Lonicera caerulea | Blue-berried Honeysuckle | Swiss Alps |
Lonicera pyrenaica | Pyrenean Honeysuckle | French Pyrenees |
Lonicera xylosteum | Fly Honeysuckle | Slovenia |
Lotus alpinus | Alpine Bird's-foot trefoil | French Pyrenees |
Lotus cystoides | Grey Bird's-foot Trefoil | Gozo |
Lotus ornithopodioides | Clustered Bird's-foot-trefoil | Crete |
Lotus sessilifolius | No English name | Tenerife |
Lotus tetragonolobus | Asparagus Pea | Spain |
Lupinus micranthus | Hairy Lupin | Italy, Gargano |
Luzula arcuata | Curved Woodrush | Swiss Alps |
Luzula lutea | Yellow Wood-rush | Swiss Alps |
Luzula nivea | Snowy Wood-rush | Andorra |
Luzula nutans | No English name | French Pyrenees |
Lycium intricatum | Southern Teaplant | Spain |
Lycium schweinfurthii | No English name | Cyprus |
Lygeum spartum | Albardine | Spain |
Lythrum junceum | Creeping Loosestrife | Rhodes |
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Latin names beginning with M | English Name | Where found |
Mandragora officinarum | Mandrake | S.W. Turkey |
Maianthemum bifolium | False Lily-of-the-valley | Austrian Tyrol |
Maianthemum bifolium | May Lily | Crete |
Malva arborea | Tree Mallow | Gozo |
Malva neglecta | Dwarf Mallow | Italy |
Malva parviflora | Least Mallow | Spain |
Malva sylvestris | Common Mallow | Rhodes |
Marrubium alysson | Levant Horehound | Spain |
Matthiola incana ssp incana | Hoary Stock | Spain |
Matthiola incana ssp melitensis | Maltese Stock | Gozo |
Matthiola tricuspidata | Three-horned Stock | Crete |
Medicago littoralis | Shore Medick | Gozo |
Medicago lupulina | Black Medick | Cyprus |
Medicago marina | Sea Medick | Gargano, Italy |
Medicago polymorpha | Toothed Medick | Crete |
Melampyrum sylvaticum | Small Cow-wheat | Swiss Alps |
Melampyrum velebiticum | No English name | Dolomites |
Melica nutans | Mountain Melick | French Pyrenees |
Melittis melissophyllum | Bastard Balm | Picos de Europea |
Mercurialis annua | Annual Mercury | Spain and Crete |
Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum | Slenderleaf Ice-plant | Spain |
Micromeria hyssopifolia | No English name | Tenerife |
Minuartia recurva | Recurved Sandwort | Dolomites |
Minuartia sedoides | Cyphel | Swiss Alps |
Misopates orontium | Weasel's-snout | Spain |
Moehringia muscosa | Mossy Sandwort | Dolomites |
Molopospermum peloponnesiacum | Striped Hemlock | Andorra |
Moneses uniflora | One-flowered Wintergreen | French Pyrenees |
Moricandia arvensis | Moricandia | Spain |
Moricandia moricandioides | No English name | Spain |
Murbeckiella pinnatifida | Murbeckiella | French Pyrenees |
Muscari caucasicum | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Muscari comosum | Tassel Hyacinth | Gozo |
Muscari neglectum | Grape-hyacinth | Italy |
Muscari racemosum | Musk Hyacinth | South Western Turkey |
Myosotis alpestris | Alpine Forget-me-not | Swiss Alps |
Myricaria germanica | Myricaria | Swiss Alps |
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Latin names beginning with N | English Name | Where found |
Narcissus bicolor | Two-coloured Daffodil | French Pyrenees |
Narcissus bulbocodium ssp graelsii | Hoop Petticoat Daffodil | Sierra Guadarrama, Spain |
Narcissus flavus | No English name | Andalucia, Spain |
Narcissus papyraceus | Paper White Narcissus | Andalucia, Spain |
Narcissus poeticus | Pheasant's-eye Daffodil | Gargano, Italy |
Narcissus requienii | Rush-flowered Daffodil | French Pyrenees |
Narcissus rupicola | Rock Daffodil | Sierra Guadarrama, Spain |
Narcissus triandrus | Angel's Tears | Sierra Guadarrama, Spain |
Neatostema apulum | Yellow Gromwell | Spain |
Nepeta betonicifolia | No English name | E. Turkey |
Neotinea lactea | Milky Orchid | Gargano, Italy |
Neotinea maculata | Dense-flowered Orchid | Northern Cyprus |
Neotinea tridentata ssp conica | Three Toothed Orchid | Andalucia, Spain |
Neotinea ustulata | Burnt Orchid | Gargano, Italy |
Nerium oleander | Oleander | Rhodes |
Nicotiana glauca | Shrub Tobacco | Crete and Spain |
Nicotiana paniculata | Sticky Snuff | Tenerife |
Nigella damascena | Love-in-a-Mist | Spain |
Nigella segetalis | No English name | E. Turkey |
Noccaea kurdica | No English name | E. Turkey |
Noccaea rotundifolia | Round-leaved Penny-cress | Dolomites |
Notobasis syriaca | Syrian Thistle | Spain |
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Latin names beginning with O | English Name | Where found |
Olea europaea | Olive | Crete |
Onobrychis aequidentata | No English name | Gargano, Italy |
Onobrychis cornuta | Horned Sainfoin | E. Turkey |
Onobrychis crista-galli | Medick Vetch | Cyprus |
Onobrychis montana | Mountain Sainfoin | Swiss Alps |
Onobrychis saxatilis | Rock Sainfoin | Gargano, Italy |
Onobrychis venosa | Cyprus Sainfoin | Northern Cyprus |
Onobrychis viciifolia | Sainfoin | Spain |
Ononis natrix | Large Yellow Rest-Harrow | Southern Spain |
Ononis cristata | Mount Cenis Restharrow | Andorra |
Ononis spinosa | Spiny Restharrow | Rhodes |
Ononis variegata | No English name | Gargano, Italy |
Onopordum illyricum | Illyrian Scotch Thistle | Rhodes |
Onosma bracteosum | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Onosma fruticosa | Golden Drops | Northern Cyprus |
Onosma lucana | Pale Goldendrop | Gargano, Italy |
Ophrys argolica ssp biscutella | Spectacled Ophrys | Gargano, Italy |
Ophrys argolica ssp climacis | No English name | S.W.Turkey |
Ophrys bertolonii | Bertoloni's Ophrys | Gargano, Italy |
Ophrys bombyliflora | Bumblebee Orchid | Gozo |
Ophrys flavicans | No English name | Gargano, Italy |
Ophrys fuciflora | Late Spider-orchid | Anatolia, Turkey |
Ophrys fuciflora ssp bornmuelleri | Bornmueller's Orchid | Northern Cyprus |
Ophrys fuciflora ssp parvimaculata | Small Patterned Ophrys | Gargano, Italy |
Ophrys fusca | Dull Ophrys | Southern Spain |
Ophrys fusca ssp iricolor | Rainbow Ophrys | Southern Spain |
Ophrys insectifera | Fly Orchid | French Pyrenees |
Ophrys kotschyi | Cyprus Bee Orchid | Northern Cyprus |
Ophrys kotschyi ssp cretica | Cretan Ophrys | Crete |
Ophrys lutea | Yellow Ophrys | Southern Spain |
Ophrys lutea ssp galilaea | Yellow Ophrys | Northern Cyprus and Italy |
Ophrys lutea ssp melena | Yellow Ophrys | Gargano, Italy |
Ophrys reinholdii | Reinhold's Bee-orchid | S.W. Turkey |
Ophrys scolopax | Woodcock Ophrys | French Pyrenees |
Ophrys scolopax ssp apiformis | Wasp Bearing Ophrys | French Pyrenees |
Ophrys speculum | Mirror Orchid | Southern Spain |
Ophrys sphegodes ssp aesculapii | No English name | Euobea, Greece |
Ophrys sphegodes ssp atrata | Dark Ophrys | Gargano, Italy |
Ophrys sphegodes ssp passionis | Gargano Ophrys | Gargano, Italy |
Ophrys sphegodes ssp taurica | Early Spider Orchid | Cyprus |
Ophrys tenthredinifera | Sawfly Orchid | Southern Spain |
Ophrys umbilicata ssp umbilicata | Carmel Bee Orchid | Greece |
Opuntia dillenii | Erect Prickly Pear | Spain |
Opuntia ficus-indica | Prickly Pear | Spain |
Orchis anatolica | Anatolian Orchid | Northern Cyprus |
Orchis anthropophora | Man Orchid | Spain & Italy |
Orchis italica | Naked-man Orchid | Northern Cyprus |
Orchis olbiensis | Southern Early Purple-orchid | Spain |
Orchis pauciflora | Sparsely Flowering Orchid | Crete |
Orchis provincialis | Provence Orchis | Gargano, Italy |
Orchis purpurea | Lady Orchid | Gargano, Italy |
Orchis quadripunctata | Four-spotted Orchid | Gargano, Italy |
Orchis x bivonae | Hybrid Orchid | Gargano, Italy |
Origanum onites | Pot Marjoram | Rhodes |
Orlaya grandiflora | White Lace Flower | French Pyrenees |
Ornithogalum lanceolatum | Lance-leaved Star-of-Bethlehem | S.W. Turkey |
Ornithogalum montanum | No English name | Gargano, Italy |
Ornithogalum narbonense | Southern Star-of-Bethlehem | Spain |
Ornithogalum nutans | Drooping Star-of-Bethlehem | S.W. Turkey |
Ornithogalum oligophyllum | No English name | Turkey |
Orobanche alba | Thyme Broomrape | Cyprus |
Orobanche anatolica | No English name | E. Turkey |
Orobanche colorata | Painted Broomrape | Russian Caucasus |
Orobanche crenata | No English name | Crete |
Orobanche flava | Yellow Broomrape | Dolomites |
Orobanche gracilis | Slender Broomrape | French Pyrenees |
Orobanche grossheimii | No English name | Russian Caucasus |
Orobanche lavandulacea | No English name | Crete |
Orobanche minor | Common Broomrape | Cyprus |
Orobanche pubescens | Hairy Broomrape | Gozo |
Orobanche ramosa | Branched Broomrape | Gozo |
Orthilia secunda | Serrated Wintergreen | Swiss Alps |
Oxalis corniculata | Procumbent Yellow-sorrel | Cyprus |
Oxalis pes-caprae | Bermuda Buttercup | Gozo |
Oxyria digyna | Mountain Sorrel | Swiss Alps |
Oxytropis campestris | Mountain Milk-vetch | Swiss Alps |
Oxytropis halleri | Purple Oxytropis | Andorra |
Oxytropis jacquinii | Mountain Milk-vetch | Pyrenees |
Oxytropis owerinii | No English name | Caucasus |
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Latin names beginning with P | English Name | Where found |
Paederota bonarota | Bluish Paederota | Dolomites |
Paederota lutea | Yellow Veronica | Slovenia |
Paeonia broteroi | No English name | Andalucia, Spain |
Paeonia mascula | Balkan Peony | Gargano, Italy |
Pallenis spinosa | Spiny Golden Star | Rhodes |
Papaver arenarium | No English name | Eastern Türkiye |
Papaver croceum | Icelandic Poppy | Swiss Alps |
Papaver arenarium | No English name | Eastern Türkiye |
Papaver gracile | No English name | S.W. Turkey |
Papaver hybridum | Rough Poppy | Spain |
Papaver rhaeticum | Rhaetian Alps Poppy | Swiss Alps |
Papaver rhoeas | Common Poppy | Rhodes and Spain |
Papaver somniferum | Opium Poppy | Gozo |
Paradisea liliastrum | St. Bruno's Lily | Swiss Alps |
Parentucellia latifolia | Broadleaf Glandweed | Crete |
Parentucellia viscosa | Yellow Bartsia | Rhodes and Crete |
Parietaria officinalis | Eastern Pellitory-of-the-wall | Italy |
Paris quadrifolia | Herb Paris | French Pyrenees |
Parnassia palustris | Grass of Parnassus | Swiss Alps |
Paronychia argentea | Silvery Whitlow-wort | Spain |
Paronychia capitata | Algerian Tea | Spain |
Paronychia kapela ssp serpyllifolia | Silver Nailwort | Spain |
Pedicularis atropurpurea | No English name | Russian Caucasus |
Pedicularis comosa | Tufted Lousewort | Eastern Turkey |
Pedicularis foliosa | Leafy Lousewort | Slovenia and Pyrenees |
Pedicularis kerneri | Kerner's Lousewort | Swiss Alps |
Pedicularis milosovicii | No English name | Russian Caucasus |
Pedicularis nordmanniana | No English name | Russian Caucasus |
Pedicularis palustris | Marsh Lousewort | French Pyrenees |
Pedicularis recutita | Beakless Red Lousewort | Swiss Alps |
Pedicularis rosea | Pink Lousewort | Dolomites |
Pedicularis rostratocapitata | Long-nosed Lousewort | Dolomites |
Pedicularis tuberosa | Long-beaked Yellow-lousewort | Swiss Alps |
Pedicularis verticillata | Verticillate Lousewort | Swiss Alps |
Pennisetum setaceum | Purple Fountain-grass | Tenerife |
Pericallis tussilaginis | Coltsfoot Cineraria | Tenerife |
Periploca laevigata | No English name | Spain |
Persicaria bistorta | Bistort | Swiss Alps |
Persicaria vivipara | Alpine Bistort | Swiss Alps |
Petasites paradoxus | Alpine Butterbur | Dolomites |
Petrocallis pyrenaica | Pyrenean Whitlow-grass | Slovenia |
Petromarula pinnata | Rock-lettuce | Crete |
Petrorhagia dubia | Hayling Island Pink | Crete and Gargano |
Phagnalon graecum | No English name | Crete |
Phagnalon rupestre | Phagnalon | Gozo |
Phegopteris connectilis | Beech Fern | French Pyrenees |
Phelypanche nana ssp melitensis | Dwarf White Broomrape | Gozo |
Phelypaea coccinea | No English name | Russian Caucasus |
Phelypaea tournefortii | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Phlomis fruticosa | Jerusalem Sage | Crete |
Phlomis lychnitis | No English name | Spain |
Phlomis purpurea | No English name | Spain |
Physoplexis comosa | Devil's Claw | Dolomites |
Phyteuma betonicifolium | Betony-leaved Rampion | Swiss Alps |
Phyteuma humile | Dwarf Rampion | Swiss Alps |
Phyteuma orbiculare | Round-headed Rampion | Swiss Alps |
Phyteuma spicata | Spiked Rampion | Andorra |
Pimpinella saxifraga | Burnet-saxifrage | Swiss Alps |
Pinguicula alpina | Alpine Butterwort | Swiss Alps |
Pinguicula grandiflora | Large-flowered Butterwort | Pyrenees |
Pinguicula leptoceras | Southern Butterwort | Swiss Alps |
Pinus canariensis | Canary Islands Pine | Tenerife |
Pistacia lentiscus | Mastic tree | Cyprus |
Pisum sativum | Wild Pea | Italy, Gargano |
Pittosporum tobira | No English name | Rhodes |
Plantago afra | Glandular Plantain | Gozo |
Plantago alpina | Alpine Plantain | French Pyrenees |
Plantago arenaria | Branched Plantain | Crete and Spain |
Plantago atrata | Dark Plantain | Swiss Alps |
Plantago bellardia ssp deflexa | Hairy Plantain | Crete |
Plantago lagopus | Hare's-foot Plantain | Gozo |
Plantago maritima ssp serpentina | Sea Plantain | Swiss Alps |
Plantago media | Hoary Plantain | French Pyrenees |
Plantago weldenii | Welden's Plantain | Crete |
Platanthera bifolia | Lesser Butterfly Orchid | Swiss Alps |
Platanthera chlorantha | Greater Butterfly Orchid | French Pyrenees |
Polemonium caeruleum | Jacob's-ladder | Swiss Alps |
Polygala alata | No English name | Caucasus |
Polygala alpicola | No English name | Caucasus |
Polygala alpina | Alpine Milkwort | Swiss Alps |
Polygala chamaebuxus | Shrubby Milkwort | Wilderkaiser Austria |
Polygala nicaeensis | Nice Milkwort | Gargano, Italy |
Polygala rupestris | Rock Milkwort | Spain |
Polygonatum multiflorum | Solomon's-seal | Gargano, Italy |
Polygonatum verticillatum | Whorled Solomon's-seal | Swiss Alps |
Polystichum lonchitis | Holly-fern | French Pyrenees |
Potentilla alchemilloides | Alchemilla-leaved Cinquefoil | French Pyrenees |
Potentilla aurea | Golden Cinquefoil | Austrian Tyrol |
Potentilla brauneana | Dwarf Cinquefoil | French Pyrenees |
Potentilla crantzii | Alpine Cinquefoil | Swiss Alps |
Potentilla lignosa | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Potentilla montana | No English name | French Pyrenees |
Potentilla nivea | Snowy Cinquefoil | Swiss Alps |
Potentilla rupestris | Rock Cinquefoil | French Pyrenees |
Poterium verrucosum | Mediterranean Salad Burnet | Gargano, Italy |
Prasium majus | Prasium | Gozo coast |
Primula algida | No English name | Caucasus |
Primula amoena | Caucasian Primrose | Caucasus |
Primula elatior | Oxlip | Slovenia |
Primula farinosa | Bird's-eye Primrose | Alps and Pyrenees |
Primula glutinosa | Sticky Primrose | Dolomites |
Primula hirsuta | Stinking Primrose | Swiss Alps |
Primula integrifolia | Entire-leaved Primrose | Alps and Pyrenees |
Primula latifolia | Viscid Primrose | Alps and Pyrenees |
Prunella grandiflora | Large-flowered Selfheal | Italy |
Prunus persica | Peach | Crete |
Prunus spinosa | Blackthorn | Spain |
Pseudorchis albida | Small-white Orchid | Swiss Alps |
Pseudorlaya pumila | Small Carrot | Spain |
Pseudoturritis turrita | Tower Cress | French Pyrenees |
Ptilostemon chamaepeuce | Shrubby Ptilostemon | Rhodes |
Pulmonaria australis | Narrow-leaved Lungwort | Swiss Alps |
Pulsatilla albana | Albanian Pasqueflower | Eastern Turkey |
Pulsatilla alpina ssp alpiifolia | Alpine Pasqueflower | Swiss Alps |
Pulsatilla alpina ssp alpina | Alpine Pasque Flower | French Pyrenees |
Pulsatilla vernalis | Spring Pasqueflower | Swiss Alps |
Puschkinia bilgineri | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Pyrola minor | Common Wintergreen | Swiss Alps |
Pyrus amygdaliformis | Amond-leaved Pear | Italy (Gargano) |
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Latin names beginning with Q | English Name | Where found |
Quercus alnifolia | Golden Oak | Cyprus |
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Latin names beginning with R | English Name | Where found |
Ramonda myconi | Ramonda | French Pyrenees |
Ranunculus aconitifolius | White Buttercup | Slovenia |
Ranunculus alpestris | Alpine Buttercup | Austria |
Ranunculus cadmicus var cyprius | No English name | Cyprus |
Ranunculus carinthiacus | Carinthian Buttercup | French Pyrenees |
Ranunculus cortusifolius | Canary Buttercup | Tenerife |
Ranunculus garganicus | Gargano Buttercup | Gargano, Italy |
Ranunculus glacialis | Glacier Crowfoot | Swiss Alps |
Ranunculus gouanii | Gouan's Buttercup | French Pyrenees |
Ranunculus kochii | No English name | Turkey |
Ranunculus kuepferi | Kuepfer's Buttercup | Swiss Alps |
Ranunculus millefoliatus | No English name | Gargano, Italy |
Ranunculus muricatus | Spinyfruit Buttercup | Gargano, Italy |
Ranunculus pyrenaeus | Pyrenean Buttercup | French Pyrenees |
Reichardia tingitana | Reichardia | Spain |
Reseda alba | White Mignonette | Gozo |
Reseda glauca | Pyrenean Mignonette | French Pyrenees |
Reseda lanceolata | No English name | Spain |
Reseda phyteuma | Corn Mignonette | Spain |
Rhamnus alaternus | Mediterranean Buckthorn | Cyprus |
Rhamnus lycioides | European Buckthorn | Spain |
Rhamnus pumilus | Dwarf Buckthorn | French Pyrenees |
Rhizobotrya alpina | Alpine Scurvygrass | Dolomites |
Rhododendron caucasicum | No English name | Russian Caucasus |
Rhodalsina geniculata | No English name | Spain |
Rhododendron ferrugineum | Alpenrose | Austrian Tyrol |
Rhododendron hirsutum | Hairy Alpenrose | Dolomites |
Rhododendron luteum | Yellow Azalea | Russian Caucasus |
Rhodothamnus chamaecistus | Dwarf Alpenrose | Wilderkaiser Austria, Dolomites |
Rhynchocorys stricta | No English name | Russian Caucasus |
Ricinus communis | Castor Oil Plant | Rhodes and Spain |
Ricotia sinuata | No English name | SW Turkey |
Rindera albida | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Rindera lanata | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Romulea columnae ssp ramiflora | Sand Crocus | Gozo |
Romulea sp | Unknown Sand Crocus | Gozo |
Rosmarinus eriocalyx | Rosemary | Spain |
Rupicapnos africana | No English name | Spain |
Ruta chalapensis | Fringed Rue | Gozo |
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Latin names beginning with S | English Name | Where found |
Salix serpyllifolia | Thyme-leaved Willow | Dolomites |
Salvia glutinosa | Salvia glutinosa | Northern Italy |
Salvia verbenaca | Wild Clary | Gozo |
Salvia verticillata | Whorled Clary | Caucasus |
Salvia trichoclada | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Saponaria bellidifolia | Spoon-leaved Soapwort | French Pyrenees |
Saxifraga aspera | Rough Saxifrage | Andorra |
Saxifraga canaliculata | No English name | Northern Spain |
Saxifraga exarata | White Musky Saxifrage | Swiss Alps, Dolomites |
Saxifraga longifolia | Pyrenean Saxifrage | French Pyrenees |
Saxifraga paniculata | Livelong Saxifrage | Andorra |
Scabiosa prolifera | Carmel Daisy | Northern Cyprus |
Scandix pecten-veneris | Shepherd's-needle | Spain, Cyprus |
Scolymus hispanica | Spanish Oyster Plant | Rhodes |
Scorpiuris muricatus | Caterpillar Plant | Andalucia, Spain |
Scorzonera laciniata | Cut-leaved Viper's-grass | Andalucia, Spain |
Scrophularia crithmifolia | No English name | Almeria, Spain |
Scrophularia peregrina | Nettle-leaved Figwort | Gozo |
Scrophularia sambucifolia | Elder-leaved Figwort | Andalucia, Spain |
Scutellaria alpina | Alpine Skullcap | Andorra |
Scutellaria orientalis | Yellow-flowered Skullcap | Russian Caucasus |
Sedum alpestre | Alpine Stonecrop | Switzerland |
Sedum annuum | Annual Stonecrop | Andorra |
Sedum atratum | Dark Stonecrop | Switzerland |
Sedum mucizonia | No English name | Andalucia, Spain |
Sedum rupestre | Reflexed Stonecrop | Picos, Spain |
Sedum sexangulare | Tasteless Stonecrop | Dolomites |
Senecio abrotanifolius | Pinnate-leaved Ragwort | Dolomites |
Senecio doronicum | Chamois Ragwort | Switzerland and Picos |
Senecio flavus | No English name | Almeria, Spain |
Serapias cordigera | Eastern Tongue Orchid | Gargano, Italy |
Serapias lingua | Tongue Orchid | Gargano, Italy |
Serapias orientalis | Eastern Tongue Orchid | Northern Cyprus |
Serapias parviflora | Small-flowered Tongue Orchid | Gargano, Italy |
Serapias vomeracea | Long-lipped Serapias | Gargano, Italy |
Serratula pinnafitida | No English name | Almeria, Spain |
Sesleria leucocephala | No English name | Dolomites |
Sibbaldianthe bifurca | Fork-leaved Cinquefoil | E. Turkey |
Sideritis hirsuta | No English name | Spain |
Silene aegyptiaca | Egyptian Campion | Turkey |
Silene colorata | Pink Pirouette | Gozo |
Silene compacta | No English name | Caucasus |
Silene littorea | No English name | Spain |
Silene sartorii | No English name | Kythnos |
Silene spergulifolia | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Silene veselskyi | No English name | Dolomites |
Smyrnium cordifolium | No English name | Turkey |
Soldanella alpina | Alpine Snowbell | Austrian Tyrol |
Sonchus tenerrimus | Slender Sow-thistle | Turkey and Spain |
Stachys alopecuros | Yellow Betony | Slovenia |
Stachys lavandulifolia | Wood Betony | Eastern Turkey |
Stachys macrantha | Caucasus Woundwort | Russian Caucasus |
Sterbergia schubertii | A Sternbergia | Greece |
Symphytum creticum | Cretan Gorge Comfrey | Crete |
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Latin names beginning with T | English Name | Where found |
Taraxacum porphyranthum | No English name | Russian Caucasus |
Teucrium brevifolium | Coastal Germander | Turkey |
Teucrium chamaedrys | Wall Germander | Italy and France |
Teucrium fruticans | Tree Germander | Gozo |
Teucrium montanum | Mountain Germander | Swiss Alps and Dolomites |
Teucrium polium | Felty Germander | Spain |
Teucrium pseudochamaepitys | No English name | Spain |
Teucrium pyrenaicum | Pyrenean Germander | Picos, Spain and French Pyrenees |
Thalictrum aquilegiifolium | French Meadow-rue | Alps and Pyrenees |
Thymus sipyleus | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Tofieldia calyculata | Tofield's Asphodel | Swiss Alps |
Tordylium apulum | Roman Pimpernel | Gozo |
Traunsteinera globosa | Round-headed Orchid | Dolomites |
Traunsteinera sphaerica | No English name | Russian Caucasus |
Tribulus terrestris | Maltese Cross | Greece |
Trifolium alpinum | Alpine Clover | Swiss Alps and Andorra |
Trifolium angustifolium | Narrow Clover | Spain |
Trifolium angustifolium ssp pamphylicum | Narrow Clover | Cyprus and Turkey |
Trifolium badium | Brown Clover | Swiss Alps |
Trifolium campestre | Hop Trefoil | Crete |
Trifolium clypeatum | Shield Clover | Cyprus and Turkey |
Trifolium dasyurum | Eastern Star Clover | Cyprus |
Trifolium montanum | Mountain Clover | French Pyrenees |
Trifolium nigrescens | Ball Clover | Gozo |
Trifolium ochroleucon | Sulphur Clover | French Pyrenees |
Trifolium physodes | Bladder Clover | Turkey |
Trifolium polyphyllum | No English name | Russian Caucasus |
Trifolium resupinatum | Persian Clover | Rhodes |
Trifolium stellatum | Starry Clover | Northern Cyprus |
Trifolium thalii | Thal's Clover | Swiss Alps |
Trifolium uniflorum | One Flower Clover | Crete |
Trigonella coerulescens | No English name | S.W. Turkey |
Tropaeolum majus | Nasturtium | Gozo |
Tulipa armena var lycica | Armenian Tulip | S.W. Turkey |
Tulipa humilis | No English name | Eastern Turkey |
Tulipa orphanidea | No English name | S.W. Turkey |
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Latin names beginning with U | English Name | Where found |
Urtica membranacea | Membranous Nettle | Gozo |
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Latin names beginning with V | English Name | Where found |
Valantia hispida | Bristly Crosswort | Spain and Crete |
Veronica fruticulosa | No English name | Swiss Alps |
Veronica alpina | Alpine Speedwell | Swiss Alps |
Veronica anagallis-aquatica | Blue Water-Speedwell | Spain and Turkey |
Vincetoxicum hirundinaria | Swallow-wort | Slovenia |
Vicia balansae | No English name | Russian Caucasus |
Vicia benghalensis | Algerian Vetch | Canaries and Italy |
Vicia cassia | Cyprus Vetch | Cyprus |
Vicia hybrida | Hairy Yellow-vetch | Italy and Crete |
Vicia lunata | Early Vetch | Cyprus |
Vicia melanops | Black-eyed Vetch | Gargano, Italy |
Vicia onobrychioides | Sainfoin Vetch | Andorra |
Vicia peregrina | Wandering Vetch | Cyprus |
Vicia pyrenaica | Pyrenean Vetch | French Pyrenees |
Vicia villosa | Fodder Vetch | Crete |
Viola altaica | Altaian Violet | Russian Caucasus |
Viola biflora | Yellow Wood-violet | Austria |
Viola calcarata | Long-spurred Pansy | Swiss Alps |
Viola cornuta | Horned Pansy | French Pyrenees |
Viola demetria | No English name | Spain |
Viola graeca | No English name | Italy |
Viola kitaibeliana | Dwarf Pansy | Turkey |
Viola tricolor ssp tricolor | Wild Pansy | Swiss Alps |
Viscum cruciatum | Red-berry Mistletoe | Spain |
Vitex agnus-castrus | Chaste tree | Greece |
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Latin names beginning with W | English Name | Where found |
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Latin names beginning with X | English Name | Where found |
Xanthium strumarium | Rough Cocklebur | Rhodes |
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Latin names beginning with Y | English Name | Where found |
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Latin names beginning with Z | English Name | Where found |
Zantedeschia aethiopica | Altar Lily | Gozo |
Ziziphora capitata | No Englaish name | Eastern Turkey |
Zosima orientalis | Eastern Zosima | Cyprus |
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