Rhamnus pumilus   Dwarf Buckthorn

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Unlike so many of the other Buckthorns this is a very low growing plant which I rather expected to be named Rhamnus procumbens. The greenish flowers are typical of the Buckthorns and so is the leaf shape but the attractive regularly serrated, glossy leaves are very distinctive when seen in a mat on a rocky surface like this one. It grows at heights of up to 7,000 feet in the Alps, Pyrenees and Apennines.

Rhamnus pumilus

Rhamnus pumilus Dwarf Buckthorn

Port D'espagne, French Pyrenees 12th June 2009

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Rhamnus pumilus Dwarf Buckthorn

Port D'espagne, French Pyrenees 12th June 2009

Added on 4th June 2012

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