Orobanche gracilis   Slender Broomrape

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Strangely some botanical books describe Slender Broomrape as "stout". It is parasitic on various Fabaceae family plants such as Onobrychis (Sainfoins), Cytisus (Brooms) and as in this case, Lotus (Bird's-foot Trefoils) and Hippocrepis (Horseshoe Vetches) which were common in the meadow although not shown in the photograph. It varies in colour from brown to yellow and even to a reddish tint.

Orobanche gracilis is found in most of central and southern Europe including many of the Mediterranean islands, the north coast of Africa and as far east as Romania. In the hills it can be found at heights of up to 4,500 feet.

Orobanche gracilis

Orobanche gracilis Slender Broomrape

Grassy meadow in Dolomiti Friulane Regional Park 27th June 2014

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Orobanche gracilis Slender Broomrape floret

Grassy meadow in Dolomiti Friulane Regional Park 27th June 2014

Added on 4th February 2011, updated 7th July 2014

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