Papaver arenarium

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This was a fantastic botanical site. Everywhere I looked there were spectacular flowering plants which I had never seen before in my life. Poppies are not easy to identify in countries where so many grow such as Türkiye. Our expert botanical leader told us this was Papaver arenarium although there are other Poppy species which do look fairly similar (to me anyway).

Papaver arenarium is found in the countries between the Black and Caspian seas with overlap into places like Eastern Türkiye and Iran.

The field was right next to a main road leading from Türkiye to Iran and at the time there was an embargo on oil product trade with Iran imposed by the then President Trump. The oil tankers were queueing for miles down the road en route to Iran. The two countries continued to trade oil and petrol as usual ignoring the bellicose demands from the west.

Papaver arenarium

Papaver arenarium No English name

Eastern Turkey, field very close to Turkish-Iranian border 27th May 2019

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Papaver arenarium

Papaver arenarium group No English name

Eastern Turkey, field very close to Turkish-Iranian border 27th May 2019

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Papaver arenarium No English name Papaver arenarium group No English name

Eastern Türkiye, field very close to Iranian border 27th May 2019

Added on 4th July 2023
