Oxytropis campestris   Yellow Oxytropis

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There is always something odd about seeing a plant which is incredibly rare in the British Isles and which has needed a day long slog into the Scottish wilderness to find and then coming abroad to discover it is a roadside weed. We saw this on so many occasions we stopped remarking upon it. The flowers can be distinctly mid yellow, pale yellow or almost white with yellow and purplish markings.

Oxytropis campestris

Oxytropis campestris Yellow Oxytropis

By path to Pontresina, Engadine, Switzerland 7th July 2010

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Oxytropis campestris Yellow Oxytropis

LHS: Cirque de Troumousse, French Pyrenees 8th June 2009 RHS: Near Pontresina, Engadine, Switzerland 7th July 2010

Added on 5th February, updated 21st September 2013

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