Launaea arborescens   No English name

Launaea arborescens Launaea arborescens

This shrub belonging grows on dry stony ground and is found in the drier parts of southern Spain, throughout the Canaries and in northern Africa. The immediately unusual feature of this plant is the yellow typical Asteracaea flowers growing on a network of spiny green stems with very few leaves. Common names include "Aulaga" which means Gorse.

Launaea arborescens

Launaea arborescens No English name

Verge and layby in hills near Mojácar, Spain 19th March 2007

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Launaea arborescens

Verge and layby in hills near Mojácar, Spain 19th March 2007

Added March 24th 2010 upadted 17th January 2021

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