Scandix pecten-veneris Shepherd's-needle
In Britain this is an Archeophyte i.e. a plant introduced to Britain before 1500 AD but, as can be seen from the various locations of the photographs, it is common on the continent. The flowers are not particularly spectacular and there are many more plants with flowers in the Apiaceae family which look like this. The fruits though, are very long and needle shaped as the English name suggests, reminding you more of the various Stork's-bill fruits.
It is found throughout northern and southern Europe on the Mediterranean islands, north Africa, the near eastern countries such as Turkey and Israel and even in Scandinavia.
LHS: Le Burgo river valley, Andalucia, 31st March 2008 RHS: Vuoni, Southern Cyprus, 17th April 2011
Added on January 13th 2021