Trifolium angustifolium   Narrow Clover

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Trifolium angustifolium is an extremely common species in Europe but could easily be overlooked as the flowers are very small and the elongated flower head itself reminds of certain grasses. The leaves are extremely narrow in this major sub species so that at first it didn't occur to me that it was a Trifolium species. It has spread around the world, including Britain as a wool import alien (the seeds attach themselves easily to fleeces) and in some countries like Australia it is a well established alien which needs to be controlled. It has also been used as a fodder crop.

Other common names include Narrow-leaved Crimson Clover and Narrow-leaved Clover. The common name here is from Stace New Flora of the British Isles. There are other sub species which don't have such narrow leaves.


Trifolium angustifolium

Trifolium angustifolium Narrow Clover

En route to Espinama, Picos de Europea, Spain 16th June 2015

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Trifolium angustifolium Narrow Clover

En route to Espinama, Picos de Europea, Spain 16th June 2015

Added on August 18th 2018

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