Globularia salicina   Globe Flower

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This puzzled me at first because I knew I recognised the flowers from somewhere but couldn't think where. They are typical Globularia flowers of course but I've usually seen them on low growing herbs in southern Europe and never before on a shrub.

Globularia salicina according to my book doesn't flower at this time of year so perhaps that explains the rather manky looking flowers. It grows in the Canaries as well as in the Madeira archipelago.


Globularia salicina

Globularia salicina Globe Flower

Wasteland near Canico de Baixo, Madeira 2nd April 2013

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Globularia salicina Globe Flower

Wasteland near Caniço de Baixo, Madeira 2nd April 2013

Added on April 25th 2013

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