Orobanche lavandulacea

Orobanche lavandulacea Orobanche lavandulacea close

As evening came, I walked down a road with a patch of Bituminaria bituminosa at the side of it and there in the middle was a stunning dark blue Orobanche. Consulting the books, this plant can parasitise a number of herbs but Bituminaria bituminosa (Pitch Trefoil) a common roadside plant in these parts, is the usual host as it was here.

Orobanche lavandulacea which has in the past been known as Phelypaea lavandulacea and Phelypanche lavandulacea is known from Spain, Greece, Crete where this one was found, Itlay, France and Hungary.


Orobanche lavandulacea No English name

Roadside near Ano Stallos, Crete 6th April 2007

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Orobanche lavandulacea No English name

Roadside near Ano Stallos, Crete 6th April 2007

Added on 12th June 2007, updated 23rd January 2011, updated 7th July 2014, updated 8th June 2018

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