Amelanchier ovalis   Amelanchier

Amelanchier ovalis whole Amelanchier ovalis close

Flowering normally in May, this deciduous shrub was only just producing a few leaves which are necessary for accurate identification. It is possible therefore that this specimen is the apomictic species Amelanchier x lamarckii, a hybrid which is widely planted. There a few species to be found in Europe but most, native to temperate northern hemisphere countries, are to be found in North America where Amelanchier ovalis is known as Snowy Mespilus.

It is usually found on limestone and flowers up to heights of 8,000 feet.

Amelanchier ovalis

Amelanchier ovalis Amelanchier

SepĂșlveda Gorge near Segovia, Spain28th April 2014

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Amelanchier ovalis Amelanchier

SepĂșlveda Gorge near Segovia, Spain 28th April 2014

Added on 19th February 2015

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