Senecio abrotanifolius   Pinnate-leaved Ragwort

Senecio abrotanifolius whole Senecio abrotanifolius close

Also known as Orange-flowered Groundsel, the large orange-yellow flower heads of this species make it unlike many of the bushy Senecio plants with which we are familiar in the British Isles. It has feathery bi- or tri-pinnate leaves and like this particular one, prefers rocky or gravelly habitats. Found in the central and eastern Alps as well as sub species in the Carpathian and Balkan mountains, it will grow at heights of up to 9,000 feet.

Senecio abrotanifolius

Senecio abrotanifolius Pinnate-leaved Ragwort

Dolomites, Italy 27th June 2014

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Senecio abrotanifolius Pinnate-leaved Ragwort

Dolomites, Italy 27th June 2014

Added on July 13th

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