Crepis aurea   Golden Hawk's-beard

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This plant which reminded me of a short version of Pilosella aurantiaca (Fox and Cubs) was quite a common plant in the shady areas on the edge of woods above 5,000 feet. In the Alps C. aurea flourished at even higher altitudes and in the open.

Crepis aurea

Crepis aurea Golden Hawk's-beard

Val de Fain, Engadine, Swiss Alps 5th July 2010

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Crepis aurea Golden Hawk's-beard

LHS:Austrian Tyrol 2002 15th June 2002: RHS, Val de Fain, Engadine, Swiss Alps 5th July 2010

Added on January 11th 2006, updated 8th December 2008, updated 21st March 2010, updated 14th December 2010

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