Arnebia pulchra   Prophet's Flower

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The deep maroon dots or splodges on the petals of Arnebia pulchra are supposed to attract pollinators and when the flower has aged and been pollinated they fade so much that you can hardly see them at all. Found mostly in Iran and the Caucasus, this member of the Boraginaceae is a hill or mountain plant and was very common in most of the places we visited. It has also been known as Aipyanthus pulchra, Arnebia cyrousiana, Arnebia longiflora and Echioides longiflorum.


Arnebia pulchra

Arnebia pulchra Prophet's Flower

Countryside near Lagonaki and Terbida, Russian Caucasus 28th June 2016

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Arnebia pulchra Prophet's Flower

Countryside near Lagonaki and Terbida, Russian Caucasus 28th June 2016

Added on June 15th 2017

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