Smyrnium cordifolium

Smyrnium cordifolium whole Smyrnium cordifolium close

Akdamar Island is about 3 km off shore in Lake Van in Eastern Turkey. People go there to see the restored last Armenian Church in Turkey. This region was once part of Armenia but the Armenian population were expelled from this part of the world by the Ottoman Empire forces in 1915. It is referred to as the Armenian genocide. Modern Turkey was not created until 1923.

I looked around the now restored church which was very interesting but outside my botanist's attention was focused on the many hundreds plants of Smyrnium cordifolium in perfect condition.

Smyrnium cordifolium is a native of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Lebanon and Syria. Extracts of the plant have been used for many years for their medicinal value in treating anxiety, bladder and kidney problems. It contains anti oxidant substances.

Smyrnium cordifolium

Smyrnium cordifolium No English name

Akdamar Island in Lake Van, Eastern Turkey 2nd June 2019

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Armenian Church

Restored (2005) Armenian Church on Akdamar Island

Akdamar Island in Lake Van, Eastern Turkey 2nd June 2019

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Smyrnium cordifolium No English name Restored (2005) Armenian Church on Akdamar Island

Akdamar Island in Lake Van, Eastern Turkey 2nd June 2019

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