Saponaria bellidifolia   Spoon-leaved Soapwort

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The spoon shaped (as in a Daisy: Bellis perennis) leaves and the stamen stalks which are yellow rather than black/violet, help distinguish this species from Saponaria lutea (Yellow Soapwort) which has similar yellow flowers. Both species can be low growing and both are alpines.

Saponaria bellidifolia can be found on rough ground at heights of up to 6,500 feet in the Pyrenees, some of the Alps and the Apennines.


Saponaria bellidifolia

Saponaria bellidifolia Spoon-leaved Soapwort

Ossue valley, French Pyrenees, 10th June 2009

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Saponaria bellidifolia Spoon-leaved Soapwort

Ossue valley, French Pyrenees, 10th June 2009

Added on 18th March 2015

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