Linaria pelisseriana   Jersey Toadflax

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With a common name like this, you might expect to be one of the special Jersey plants but it hasn't been seen there the 1950s and so I'm not sure whether you can really say it belongs to the British native flora.

Here in the south Mediterranean it is not uncommon but perhaps easily missed. It is both small, thin and delicate and with the profusion of other Spring plants to behold, the focus of the botanist's eye is easily taken away from relatively insignificant plants like this.


Linaria pelisserian

Linaria pelisserian Jersey Toadflax

Outside Ano Stallos, Crete, 8th April 2007

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Linaria pelisserian English

Outside Ano Stallos, Crete, 8th April 2007

Added on 29th November 2010

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