Vicia hybrida   Hairy Yellow-vetch

Vicia hybrida whole Vicia hybrida close

Occasionally found in Britain, this beautiful little vetch is a quite common native in southern Europe, north Africa, Turkey and the Caucasus. Sometimes the veining on the flowers is very pronounced as in the Italian examples shown and other times quite faint. It is always quite hairy.


Vicia hybrida

Vicia hybrida Hairy Yellow-vetch

Near Monte Sacro, Gargano Italy 22nd April 2009

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Vicia hybrida

Vicia hybrida Hairy Yellow-vetch

Near Zourva, White Mountains, Crete, 5th April 2007

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Vicia hybrida Hairy Yellow-vetch Vicia hybrida Hairy Yellow-vetch

LHS: Near Monte Sacro, Gargano Italy 22nd April 2009 RHS: Near Zourva, White Mountains, Crete, 5th April 2007

Added on 1st August 2018

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