Bellis annua   Annual Daisy

Bellis annua

Much more often I find Bellis sylvestris (Southern Daisy) and Bellis perennis than this delicate little annual which is supposed to grow throughout the Mediterranean. A typical habitat is a grassy depression which floods in winter - which is exactly here we found it. The of B. annua petals are always pure white without the tinge of pink which is found on the Common Daisy (Bellis perennis)

Members of the Bellis genus were traditionally used as herbs for treating wounds.


Bellis annua

Bellis annua Annual Daisy

>Roadside ditch outside Sianna, Rhodes, Greece 14th May 2010

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Bellis annua Annual Daisy

Roadside ditch outside Sianna, Rhodes, Greece 14th May 2010

Added on 28th July 2010

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