Anacamptis morio Green-winged Orchid
In Britain the examples of this orchid which I have seen have been a similar colour to Orchis mascula (Early-purple Orchid) and much shorter. Here in southern Italy many were quite tall, had more flowers and some were very dark purple.
Taxonomy: Most of the major databases follow Professor Bateman's re-assessment of the name of this Orchid in the change from Orchis morio L. to Anacamptis morio (L.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase as the accepted correct name. Major exceptions to this include Pierre Delforge who retains Orchis morio L.
Hillside near Monte St. Angelo, Gargano, Italy 19th April 2009
Added on January 21st 2010, updated 26th Feb 2010, upadted 7th August 2018