Achillea biebersteinii

Achillea biebersteinii whole Achillea biebersteinii close

About the same height as our familiar British native, Achillea millefolium (Yarrow), this plant grew in large patches with bright yellow flowers and typical Yarrow-like flower heads. It isn't common in Turkey and is mostly found around the Lake Van area of eastern Turkey where we were botanising.

Overall this isn't a common plant but greater numbers are found in Iran, Iraq, Central Asia generally. Achillea bierbersteinii is named after Friedrich August Marschall von Bieberstein who explored amongst other places, the western shores of the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus collecting over 10,000 herbarium specimens. This plant as named after him in 1975.


Achillea biebersteinii

Achillea biebersteinii No English name

High pass near Iranian border, Eastern Turkey 25th May 2019

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Achillea biebersteinii No English name

High pass near Iranian border, Eastern Turkey 25th May 2019

Added on 18th August 2019

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