Rosmarinus eriocalyx   Rosemary Endemic

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There are three species of Rosemary, not including hybrids, which we are most likely to encounter: Rosmarinus officinalis, Rosmarinus tomentosus and this one, Rosmarinus eriocalyx. Rosmarinus officinalis is the best known and although not native, is well naturalised in Britain and Ireland probably because of its extensive use as a culinary herb.

Rosmarinus eriocalyx has deeper blue flowers but as the name suggests it also has distinctive glandular hairs covering the calyx. This was quite a big woody plant looking very healthy. It is a native of both Spain and Algeria.

Rosmarinus eriocalyx

Rosmarinus eriocalyx Rosemary

Roadside verge on A341 close to Tabernas, southern Spain 21st March 2007

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Rosmarinus eriocalyx Rosemary

Roadside verge on A341 close to Tabernas, southern Spain 21st March 2007

Added on 1st January 2021

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