Veronica fruticulosa
There are over 500 species of Veronica (Speedwells) in
the Veronicaceae family (formerly in Plantaginaceae)
and most are found in the northern hemisphere. In Britain we have quite
a few species all with common names like Ivy-leaved Speedwell (Veronica
or Germander Speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys) but the vast majority
have no common English names and Veronica fruticulosa is one
of them. It has been noted that there are similarities between this and Veronica
fruticans (Rock Speedwell) and so some have suggested that the
rarer blue-flowered Veronica fruticulosa should be a sub-species. The
flowers are most often described as pink we were lucky to see both pink
and blue on our hike to the Morteratsch glacier in Switzerland.
The leaves have been described as ovate in some texts but
more often they are linear or oblanceolate as in these plants. Veronica
fruticulosa is found in the Pyrenees, Jura, Alps Apennine mountains.