Heliotropium europaeum   Heliotrope

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Also known as European Heliotrope and Caterpillar Weed, this is a roadside weed found in Europe and Africa but which has spread as an alien to North America and Australia. It can be a nuisance weed in that it contains chemicals which, if contaminating feed, can cause damage to the livers of sheep and cattle.

This is a young plant but when it is more mature the racemes of flowers and fruit look like caterpillars.


Heliotropium europaeum

Heliotropium europaeum Heliotrope

Hinterland of Prasonisi, Rhodes, 16th May 2010

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Heliotropium europaeum Heliotrope

Hinterland of Prasonisi, Rhodes, 16th May 2010

Added on 7th November 2010

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