Eriophorum scheuchzeri Scheuchzer's Cottongrass
Walking to a station from the Lake near Ozpizio Bernina, we came across a small pool with many cottongrass plants growing in the water. Even from a distance, the distinct, neat roundness of the fruiting heads meant they were obviously not the any of the cottongrass species with which we are familiar in the British Isles. These plants are found much further north in Iceland as well as high in the Alps.
Eriophorum scheuchzeri is named after Johann Jakob Scheuchzer, a Swiss naturalist of the 18th century after whom the Rannoch Rush Scheuchzeria palustris is also named.
In hills between Ozpizio Bernina and Alpen Grun, Engadine, Switzerland 9th July 2010
Added on 1st November 2010, corrected 1st March 2012