Glebionis segetum   Corn Marigold

Chrysanthemum segetum whole Chrysanthemum segetum close

The preferred name for this plant in European botanical circles has for some time been Glebionis segetum and now British botanists have conceded. In New Flora of the British Isles Third edition Chrysanthemum has become Glebionis.

In this part of Spain it is a common weed of flowerbeds and wayside fields.

Glebionis segetum

Glebionis segetum Corn Marigold

Cortijo Valverde, Andalucia, Spain 30th March 2008

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Glebionis segetum

Cortijo Valverde, Andalucia, Spain 30th March 2008

Added on March 9th 2010, updated se3 3rd May 2010

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