Asphodelus albus   White Asphodel

Asphodelus albus whole Asphodelus albus

A. albus is about the same height as A. aestivus and not disimilar in apearance but found typically basic soils in hills in France, Spain, the Pyrenees and the Alps as well as north Africa. The large flowers and long flowering spikes make it an excellent plant for cultivation so it is sold in some nurseries and garden centres.


Asphodelus albus

Asphodelus albus White Asphodel

Ossue Valley, French Pyrenees, 10th June 2009

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Asphodelus albus

Asphodelus albus White Asphodel

Ossue Valley, French Pyrenees, 10th June 2009

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Asphodelus albus close Asphodelus albus hilldside

Ossue Valley, French Pyrenees, 10th June 2009

Added October 30th 2009, updated 27th Feb 2010

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