Coincya monensis ssp cheiranthos   Wallflower Cabbage

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A plant with associated taxonomic confusion because it is just as well known as Rynchosinapis cheiranthos, Rynchosinapis erucastrum, Coincya cheiranthos, Hutera cheiranthos, or Coincya monensis ssp cheiranthos all of which names can be found in floras and on line.

Fortunately the English remains unsullied by taxonomic meddling as Wallflower Cabbage. The stony patch of land on which we found this plant was populated by many looking exactly the same as each other with distinctive pinnate basal leaves and yellow "Wallflower" type flowers. The introduced species which can be found in the British Isles doesn't usually look much like this perhaps because it grows at lower altitudes and often on richer soil.

Coincya monensis ssp cheiranthos

Coincya monensis ssp cheiranthos Wallflower Cabbage

En route back from Cirque de Gavarnie, French Pyrenees 9th June 2009

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Coincya monensis ssp cheiranthos

Coincya monensis ssp cheiranthos WallflowerCabbage Cabbage

En route back from Cirque de Gavarnie, French Pyrenees 9th June 2009

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Coincya monensis ssp cheiranthos (whole) Coincya monensis ssp cheiranthos (close)

En route back from Cirque de Gavarnie, French Pyrenees 9th June 2009

Added on December 15th 2009, updated 19th March 2010, uodated 11th February 2014

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