Thumbnail Index of Grasses Sedges and Rushes
Photo | Latin Names beginning with A | English Name |
Aegilops geniculata | Goat-grass | |
Agrostis capillaris | Common Bent | |
Agrostis castellana | Highland Bent | |
Agrostis stolonifera | Creeping Bent | |
Agrostis vinealis | Brown Bent | |
Aira caryophyllea | Silver Hair-grass | |
Aira praecox | Early Hair-grass | |
Alopecurus geniculatus | Marsh Foxtail | |
Alopecurus pratensis | Meadow Foxtail | |
Ammophila arenaria | Marram | |
Anisantha madritensis | Compact Brome | |
Anisantha rigida | Rip-gut Brome | |
Anisantha sterilis | Barren Brome | |
Anthoxanthum odoratum | Sweet Vernal-grass | |
Arrhenatherum elatius | False Oat-grass | |
Avena fatua | Wild Oat | |
Avenula pratensis | Meadow Oat-grass | |
Avenula pubescens | Downy Oat-grass |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with B | English Name |
Blysmus compressus | Flat Sedge | |
Blysmus rufus | Saltmarsh Flat-sedge | |
Bolboschoenus maritimus | Sea Club-rush | |
Brachypodium pinnatum | Tor-grass | |
Brachypodium retusum | Mediterranean False-brome | |
Brachypodium sylvaticum | False Brome | |
Briza maxima | Greater Quaking-grass | |
Briza maxima (Crete) | Greater Quaking-grass | |
Briza media (UK) | Quaking-grass | |
Bromopsis erecta | Upright Brome | |
Bromopsis inermis ssp inermis | Hungarian Brome | |
Bromopsis ramosa | Hairy-brome | |
Bromus hordeaceus ssp hordeaceus | Soft-brome | |
Bromus hordeaceus ssp ferronii | Soft-brome |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with D | English Name |
Dactylis glomerata | Cock's-foot Grass | |
Danthonia decumbens | Heath-grass | |
Dasypyrum villosum | Mosquito Grass | |
Deschampsia cespitosa | Tufted Hair-grass | |
Deschampsia flexuosa | Wavy Hair-grass | |
Digitaria sanguinalis | Hairy Finger-grass |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with E | English Name |
Echinochloa crus-galli | Cockspur | |
Eleocharis multicaulis | Many-stalked Spike-rush | |
Eleocharis palustris | Common Spike-rush | |
Eleocharis quinqueflora | Few-flowered Spike-rush | |
Eleogiton fluitans | Floating Club-rush | |
Elymus caninus | Bearded Couch | |
Elytrigia atherica | Sea Couch | |
Elytrigia juncea ssp boreoatlantica | Sand Couch | |
Elytrigia repens ssp repens | Common Couch | |
Eriophorum angustifolum | Common Cottongrass | |
Eriophorum gracile | Slender Cottongrass | |
Eriophorum latifolium | Broad-leaved Cottongrass | |
Eriophorum scheuchzeri | Scheuchzer's Cottongrass | |
Eriophorum vaginatum | Hare's-tail Cotton-grass |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with F | English Name |
Festuca longifolia | Blue Fescue | |
Festuca ovina | Sheep's Fescue | |
Festuca vivipara | Viviparous Sheep's-fescue |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with G | English Name |
Glyceria maxima | Reed Sweet-grass | |
Glyceria notata | Plicate Sweet-grass |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with H | English Name |
Hierochloe odorata | Holy Grass | |
Holcus lanatus | Yorkshire Fog | |
Holcus mollis | Creeping Soft-grass | |
Hordeum marinum | Sea Barley | |
Hordeum murinum | Wall Barley | |
Hordeum secalinum | Meadow Barley |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with I | English Name |
Isolepis cernua | Slender Club-rush | |
Isolepis setacea | Bristle Club-rush |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with J | English Name |
Juncus acutus | Sharp Rush | |
Juncus ambiguus | Frog Rush | |
Juncus articulatus | Jointed Rush | |
Juncus balticus | Baltic Rush | |
Juncus balticus x Juncus inflexus | Hybrid Rush | |
Juncus bufonius | Toad Rush | |
Juncus castaneus | Chestnut Rush | |
Juncus conglomeratus | Compact Rush | |
Juncus effusus | Soft-rush | |
Juncus filiformis | Thread Rush | |
Juncus gerardii | Saltmarsh Rush | |
Juncus inflexus | Hard Rush | |
Juncus maritimus | Sea Rush | |
Juncus squarrosus | Heath Rush | |
Juncus subnodulosus | Blunt-flowered Rush | |
Juncus tenuis | Slender Rush | |
Juncus trifidus | Three-leaved Rush | |
Juncus triglumis | Three-flowered Rush |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with K | English Name |
Kobresia simpliciuscula | False Sedge | |
Koeleria macrantha | Crested Hair-grass |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with L | English Name |
Lagurus ovatus | Hare's-tail | |
Lagurus ovatus | Hare's-tail | |
Lamarckia aurea | Golden Dog's-tail | |
Leymus arenarius | Lyme-grass | |
Lolium multiflorum | Italian Rye-grass | |
Lolium perenne | Perennial Rye-grass | |
Luzula arcuata | Curved Woodrush | |
Luzula campestris | Field Wood-rush | |
Luzula lutea | Yellow Wood-rush | |
Luzula multiflora ssp congesta | Heath Wood-rush | |
Luzula multiflora ssp multiflora | Heath Wood-rush | |
Luzula nivea | Snowy Wood-rush | |
Luzula nutans | No English name | |
Luzula pilosa | Hairy Wood-rush | |
Luzula spicata | Spiked Wood-rush | |
Luzula sylvatica | Great Wood-rush | |
Lygeum spartum | Albardine |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with M | English Name |
Melica nutans | Mountain or Nodding Melick | |
Melica uniflora | Wood Melick | |
Mibora minima | Early Sand-grass | |
Milium effusum | Wood Millet | |
Milium vernale ssp sarniense | Early Millet |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with N | English Name |
Nardus stricta | Mat-grass |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with O | English Name |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with P | English Name |
Panicum miliacum | Common Millet | |
Parapholis strigosa | Hard-grass | |
Pennisetum setaceum | Purple Fountain-grass | |
Phalaris arundinacea | Reed Canary-grass | |
Phalaris canariensis | Canary-grass | |
Phleum arenarium | Sand Cat's-tail | |
Phleum phleoides | Purple-stem Cat's-tail | |
Phleum pratense | Timothy | |
Phragmites australis | Common Reed | |
Poa alpina | Alpine Meadow-grass | |
Poa annua | Annual Meadow-grass | |
Poa humilis | Spreading Meadow-grass | |
Poa infirma | Early Meadow-grass | |
Poa pratensis | Smooth Meadow-grass | |
Poa trivialis | Rough Meadow-grass | |
Polypogon viridis | Water Bent | |
Polypogon monspeliensis | Annual Beard-grass | |
Puccinellia distans ssp distans | Reflexed Saltmarsh-grass | |
Puccinellia maritima | Common Saltmarsh-grass |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with Q | English Name |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with R | English Name |
Rhynchospora alba | White Beak-sdege |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with S | English Name |
Scirpus sylvaticus | Wood Club-rush | |
Schedonorus arundinaceus | Tall Fescue | |
Schedonorus pratensis | Meadow Fescue | |
Schoenoplectus pungens | Sharp Club-rush | |
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani | Grey Clubrush | |
Sesleria caerulea | Blue Moor-grass | |
Setaria pumila | Yellow Bristle-grass | |
Spartina anglica | Common Cord-grass |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with T | English Name |
Tricophorum germanicum | Deergrass | |
Trisetum flavescens | Yellow Oat-grass |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with U | English Name |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with V | English Name |
Vulpia bromoides | Squirrel-tail Fescue | |
Vulpia fasciculata | Dune fescue |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with W | English Name |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with X | English Name |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with Y | English Name |
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Photo | Latin Names beginning with Z | English Name |
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