Luzula multiflora ssp congesta   Heath Wood-rush C DD N

Luzula multiflora ssp congesta whole Luzula multiflora ssp congesta close

This plant is roughly the same height as the ssp multiflora sub species but has a compact head of flowers as the name suggests. The plant is very common and both sub species congesta and multiflora sometimes grow together.

Luzula multiflora ssp congesta is reasonably common and found throughout British Isles, Ireland and ther outer islands.


Luzula multiflora ssp congesta Heath Wood-rush

Lower slopes of Ben Lawers, Scotland 11th July 2005

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Luzula multiflora ssp congesta Heath Wood-rush

Lower slopes of Ben Lawers, Scotland 11th July 2005

Added on November 8th 2005, updated 6th December 2010, updated 30th May 2013

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