Avenula pratensis Meadow Oat-grass C DD N
This is quite a common grass of the summer time but you could confuse it with the very common Arrhenatherum elatius (False Oat-grass) or its cousin Avenula pubescens (Downy Oat-grass) which has hairy socks. (The lower culm sheaths are slightly pubescent).
A. pratense is common throughout central, southern and eastern England but more in the north and south than the west in Wales. In Scotland it is commoner in the south and the east up to inverness but is uncommon in the far north and west. Surprisngly there is not a single record from Ireland.
Re-named from Helictotrichon pratense following the publishing in 2010 of New Flora of the British Isles by Clive Stace.
Quarry floor, Coed Cilygroeslwyd, 30th May 2005
Added on 30th May 2005, updated 5th February 2009, updated 6th April 2010, updated 15th December 2010