Poa alpina   Alpine Meadow-grass RR DDD N

Poa alpina whole Poa alpina close

This is an "expected find" when you visit the Corrie of Ben Lawers but you might have to search for a decent specimen. Fortunately it has quite a distinctive appearance although camouflages itself well against the background of this rich alpine habitat. In the rockier granite of the Cairngorms it was easier to spot.

There is a little in Snowdonia and the northern Pennines but the majority of Poa alpina sites are in the high mountains of northern Scotland. It has been found in one or two sites in Ireland.

LHS: Cairngorms, Coire an t-Sneachda 18th July 2007 RHS Ben Lawers corrie 11th July 2005

Added on September 2nd 2005, updated 16th July 2011

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