Cyperus eragrostis   Pale Galingale DD I

Cyperus eragrostis

This introduction from Tropical America has appeared dotted randomly over the UK. It is as you would expect to be found in the South particularly in the Channel Islands but there is a substantial patch of it here in Cheshire too. It grows at the edges of sheltered ponds along with Typha latifolia (Bullrush) and Sparganium sp (Bur-reed) and in spite of its hot and humid origins seems to do very well here in the North.

Cyperus eragrostis

Cyperus eragrostis Pale Galingale

Ponds near Rudheath, Cheshire 3rd September 2005

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Cyperus eragrostis

Cyperus eragrostis Pale Galingale

Ponds near Rudheath, Cheshire 3rd September 2005

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Cyperus eragrostis Close Cyperus eragrostis Whole plant

Ponds near Rudheath, Cheshire 3rd September 2005

Added on 4th September 2005, updated 10th December 2008 updated 21st March 2010, updated Se3 4th May 2010

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