Carex pulicaris Flea Sedge C DD N
This is a common sedge but not easy to see. I look for it in very boggy areas, stream sides and expect to find other sedges such as Carex echinata (Star Sedge) somewhere near. The thin pointed utricles with a "beak" are diagnostic, the only other sedges you might confuse it with is Carex microglochin (Bristle Sedge) which only occurs at high altitudes in the Scottish highlands and Carex pauciflora (Few-flowered Sedge) which has three sided stems instead of round as in the C. pulicaris and C. microglochin.
When ripe the fruits will sometimes spring off the stem when touched - like a flea.
Carex pulicaris is often found in Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Cornwall but is less common in central and southern England.