Carex divulsa ssp divulsa   Grey Sedge C DD N

Carex divulsa ssp divulsa close Carex divulsa ssp divulsa

This tufted sedge stood out on a patch of waste ground surrounded by other excellent wild flowers. The dark green leaves and spaced out spikes indicated C. divulsa but which sub species?

Fortunately for us ssp leersii doesn't grow in southern Ireland but ssp divulsa is as common here as it is in southern England. This sedge doesn't like the north for it is abundant up to the midlands then records thin out dramatically in northern England, southern Scotland and northern Ireland.

We found this on the way to watch Cobh Rangers so it was nice to get a new football ground and a new sedge on the same day.

Waste ground close to Cobh, Irish Republic 23rd June 2007

Added on 10th August 2007, updated 21st November 2008, updated 11th March 2010

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