Phalaris canariensis   Canary-grass I

Phalaris canariensis whole Phalaris canariensis stem and flowerhead Phalaris canariensis flower head

This is an introduction from north west Africa or the Canaries which finds its way to waste places and rubbish dumps often via discarded bird seed. It is sometimes grown as a crop in the Mediterranean to provide bird seed.

Phalaris canariensis has successfully established itself throughout England and coastal Wales with many sites on the east coast of Scotland too but not in the far north. It is far less common in Ireland.

Phalaris canariensis

Phalaris canariensis Canary-grass

Rubbish dump near Shotton Paper Mill, 5th July 2009

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Phalaris canariensis Canary-grass

Rubbish dump near Shotton Paper Mill, 5th July 2009

Added 5th July 2009, updated 16th March 2011

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