Velleia trinervis Endemic

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Named by James Edward Smith after his friend, botanist and algologist Thomas Velley, this genus Velleia has twenty one species twenty of which are endemic to Australia. There are two very similar Velleia species which grow around the Manjimup area where this one was found, the commonest of which if Velleia trinervis. The very similar Velleia macrophylla (Large-leaved Velleia) which is much less common and is said to be glabrous also grows in this area But this one was distinctly hairy so that characteristic rather than flower colour or leaf shape has led to this identification.

Velleia trinervis is found throughout the south west corner of Western Australia, as far north as Badgingarra, along the southern coast to Esperance and inland through the Wheat belt.

Velleia trinervis

Velleia trinervis No English name

Donnelly Mill road, Near Yornup Western Australia 27th October 2013

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Donnelly Mill road, Near Yornup, Western Australia 27th October 201

Added on January 2nd 20156

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