Utricularia multifida   Pink Petticoats Endemic

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Utricularia multifida is a carnivorous plant with no root system to speak of. Instead it has thin hair-like structures upon which are attached very small bladders. The small bladders are held at a lower pressure than the outside environment but with a sensitive hair which acts as a trigger. A passing creature triggers the hair causing the bladder to open momentarily and the insect to be sucked inside where it is digested.

Utricularia species in the British Isles tend to float in still water but Utricularia multifida thrives in damp or wet patches on land. It is quite common in the south west corner of Australia from about Badgingarra to Albany and inland as well.


Utricularia multifida

Utricularia multifida Pink Petticoats

Near Peaceful Bay, Walpole, Western Australia 22nd September 2012

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Utricularia multifida Pink Petticoats

Near Peaceful Bay, Walpole, Western Australia 22nd September 2012

Added on January 3rd 2015

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