Potentilla crantzii   Alpine Cinquefoil RR DDD N

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Potentilla crantzii is an erect perennial plant which can have flower stems up to 20 cm tall. It is typically found on mountain ledges (out of reach) and at the Ben Lawers site flowers a little earlier than many of alpine species.

There is a little Potentilla crantzii recorded in Wales in Snowdonia and in England in the mid Pennines region but the majority of record srea from the northern Pennines and the highlands of Scotland. It does not grow in mid and southern England or Ireland.

Potentilla crantzii

Potentilla crantzii Alpine Cinquefoil

Ben Lawers July 11th 2005

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Potentilla crantzii Alpine Cinquefoil

LHS: Ben Lawers Corrie, 1st August 2004 RHS Ben Lawers July 11th 2005

Added on January 31st 2005, updated 20th July 2011

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