Spergularia rupicola   Rock Sea-spurrey C DD N

Spergularia rupicola

Growing on or out of rocks with fleshy leaves, pink flowers and sepals the same length as petals this is not an uncommon plant at the seaside but still not easy to separate from other Spergularia species

Common on most of the coastline in Ireland, Spergularia rupicola has a distinctly western coastal distribution in mainland Britain. It is common in Cornwall and all round the coats of Wales but becomes less common as you go north. In Scotland it is only found insignificant quantities in the far south west. Most of the eastern coastline in both Scotland and England has no Spergularia rupicola growing.

Harbour Wall, Guernsey 18th June 2004

Added on December 29th 2004, updated February 11th 2012

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