Samolus valerandi Brookweed C DD N
This is plant is increasing rapidly in our local area. Where there used to be one or two which you would have to hunt for now there are thousands of plants and every year even more. It is difficult to see what has changed - it likes wet ground as the name suggests but that hasn't changed much except getting a bit drier possibly. Over the country as a whole it is mostly a coastal plant with some places in the east near the wash with large colonies inland. It is straightforward identify with its spoon shaped leaves and small white flowers.
Although Samolus valerandi does grow inland, particularly in eastern England, it is predominantly a coastal species found commonly in England, Wales and the western coasts of Scotland. It is absent from the eastern coasts of Scotland except in the far south. It is common in Ireland.
LHS: Bolberry Down Cliffs, Devon 12th July 2009 RHS: Frodsham marshes, Cheshire 14th June 2005
Added on November 22nd 2005, updated 28th January 2012