Philotheca spicata   Pepper and Salt Endemic

Philotheca spicata whole Philotheca spicata close

This shrub which can be only a few inches high when flowering but which will reach 0.6 metres is a member of the Rutaceae family and is endemic to south western Australia. I found it on waste land and roadside verges on several occasions and at the height of a small annual to that of a fully grown shrub. In some older texts this plant will be referred to as Eriostemon spicatum.

Philotheca spicata is quite common on the wide coastal strip from south of Geraldton to the south coast but is rarely found far from the coast.

Philotheca spicata

Philotheca spicata Pepper and Salt

Roadside verge nr Margaret River, 21st August 2007

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Philotheca spicata Pepper and Salt

LHS: Wireless Hill Park, Perth 24th August 2007 LHS: Roadside verge nr Margaret River, 21st August 2007

Added on 28th September 2011, updated 23rd Augusr 2024