Papaver somniferum Opium Poppy I
This introduction is an escape from UK gardens rather from illegal poppy fields where it could theoretically be grown for the latex from which to extract morphine or codeine. In fact P. somniferum is grown legally in some countries to obtain codeine, a much more useful but closely related drug to morphine. The illegal production of O,O-diacetylmorphine, or heroin from P. somniferum outstrips the legal production ten fold worldwide and although some illegal drug production has taken place in the UK in ancient times, this plant is mostly grown in gardens for decoration now. It escapes quite easily and I tend to find it on waste ground and verges. The flower head is variable as the photos show. These two specimens were growing next to each other with quite different colours.
P. somniferum is found throughout England, much of Wales and north western Ireland. Records become fewer as you go north and in Scotland it is commonest near the eastern coasts.
Waste ground near Northwich 17th June 2005
Added on October 2nd 2005, updated 11th February 2011, updated 31st May 2011, updated 13th March 2016