Ophrys insectifera   Fly Orchid C DD N

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Unless you find it growing in an open spot like this one, O. insectifera can be very difficult to find. It is one of those plants which is so well camouflaged in grass that it sometimes can't be seen even when someone had pointed to its exact location. In proportion to the stem, the flowers are quite small and dark.

It is regularly recorded from southern and eastern England and parts of northern England and north Wales but it does not grow in Scotland. It Ireland it is restricted to the central western parts.

Taxonomy: The name Ophrys inectifera L., named in Linnaeus' original compilation in Species Plantarum, remains uncontroversial and all authorities quote this as the correct name.


Ophrys insectifera Fly Orchid

Ranscombe farm, Kent 3rd June 2007

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Ophrys insectifera Fly Orchid

Ranscombe farm, Kent 3rd June 2007

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Ranscombe farm, Kent 3rd June 2007

Added on 29th May 2005, updated 11th January 2010, updated 20th January 2011, updated 29th May 2012

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