Ilex aquifolium Holly CCC DD N
This is a common enough tree in Cheshire and it likes our acid soil so much that bird sown holly bushes spring up over the garden regularly. Its clusters of small white flowers are often not noticed in the Spring but in the late Autumn and Winter a tree full of berries is one of the most pleasing sights when out walking on a cold day.
Apart from a few patches in northern Scotland Ilex aquifolium is found everywhere in the British Isles and Ireland.
LHS: Alvanley field 30th Nov 04, Mid: Wirral 29th Sept 04, RHS: Helsby Hill, Cheshire 19th October 2007
Added on 30th November 2004, amended 7th February 2005, updated December 17th 2009, updated 13th April 2010