Comarum palustre Marsh Cinquefoil C DD N
Comarum palustre is an original name for a plant that for many years we used to know as Potentilla palustris. It has now reverted to its original name in Edition 3 of New Flora of the British Isles by Clive Stace .
Most of the Potentilla genus are white or yellowy flowers and you have to look carefully to distinguish the common ones. This is quite different. It does as its name suggests grow only on very wet and boggy places but the beautiful maroon flowers are worth seeking out. It isn't obvious from the photograph but the large petal like objects on this flowers are actually sepals, the petals being much smaller and thinner but the same colour.
Comarum palustre is not common in the south of England with only a few sites where it is plentiful. It is common in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and northern England and is found on many Scottish islands too.
LHS: Birkdale dunes, Sefton coast 27th June 2007 RHS: Flaxmere, Cheshire 9th July 2007
Added on 1st September 2005, updated 21st July 2011, updated 21st May 2016