Colutea arborescens   Bladder-senna DD I

Colutea arborescens flower Colutea arborescens

This is an introduced plant from Europe often grown in gardens which readily escapes. There is no mistaking this plant with its yellow pea flowers and spectacular inflated pods.

It is found most often round the London area, dotted in east Anglia and Central England but it stays in the East with very little in Wales Scotland or Ireland.

Colutea arborescens

Colutea arborescens Bladder Senna

Mudchute Park, Isle of Dogs London, 1st July 2006

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Colutea arborescens

Mudchute Park, Isle of Dogs London, 1st July 2006

Added on 4th July, updated 5th December 2008, updated 19th March 2010, updated Se3 4th May 2010, updated 21st Dec 2017

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