Caladenia hirta ssp rosea Pink Candy Orchid Endemic
This genus (Caladenia) is named after the word calos (beautiful) and aden (glands). Glands are present on most species but in addition to the usual single hairy leaf which is typical of this terrestial genus of orchid, the stem and even part of the flower is quite hairy. These orchids can grow in clumps possibly because that's where the seeds fall and the ground nearby has the right kind of microrhizal fungus usually needed for germination.
There are two sub species of Caladenia rosea and ssp hirta is a paler pink or whitish in colour.
Dryandra Forest Old Mill Dam area 16th September 2007
Added on March 18th, updated 10th November 2008, updated March 10th 2010, updated 17th July 2015