Verticordia plumosa    Plumed Featherflower Endemic

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Near the top of Mount Chudalup which is a huge lump of weathered granite, there were several clumps of these plants in full flower. The flowers themselves are quite small compared with such as Verticordia grandis but occur in large numbers. It is quite a common shrub found throughout much of the far south west of Australia from around Badgingarra down to the south coast, inland and then as far east as Esperance.


Verticordia plumosa

Verticordia plumosa Plumed Featherflower

Mount Chudalup, 27th September 2015, Western Australia

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Verticordia plumosa Plumed Featherflower

Mount Chudalup, 27th September 2015, Western Australia

Added on 30th August 2017

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