Verticordia grandis   Scarlet Featherflower Endemic

Verticordia grandis older Verticordia grandis first flowers

This shrub is every bit as spectacular as it looks. The grey green foliage contrasts with the scarlet florets to generate a real "Wow!" when you see it for the first time. It was only just coming into flower here but even with the first few florets showing it stood out.

The Badgingarra reserve where these photos were taken is a couple of hundred (or so) kilometres up the Brand Highway from Perth and is simply one of the finest wild flower sites I've ever visited anywhere and certainly well worth a visit for the sheer variety and beauty of the species growing there.

Verticordia grandis is found only in a fairly small area (for Western Australia) of land near the coast and not far inland north of Perth and south of Kilbarri.

Verticordia grandis

Verticordia grandis Scarlet Featherflower

Badgingarra Reserve, 11th September 2007

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Verticordia grandis

Verticordia grandis Scarlet Featherflower

Badgingarra Reserve, 11th September 2007

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Verticordia grandis Scarlet Featherflower Verticordia grandis Scarlet Featherflower

Badgingarra Reserve, 11th September 2007

Added on 12th October 2007, updated 21st February 2012

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